Chapter 7; Just The Two of Us.

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Next weekend, I decided to ask Tsuyu if she wanted to go out with me hoping it wouldn't come off as a date. I assume she had no thought of it and just accepted it from the things happening this month.

We went out to the local mall just around the corner and just looked at what we could buy.

We mainly bought a lot of cool things, and I found out she collects figures. Which her collection is super cool, and for some reason never noticed it in her dorms.

I kept noticing everyone's strange looks and whispering when they notice Asui and her mask but it did look like she was always staring at stuff even if we couldn't see her eyes. I also heard someone compare her to Hagakure or as mentioned ''Ms. Invisible'' for some reason, although I could see that too.

We both ended up on a bench eating some ice-cream in a small paper bowl, the sun was starting to set and a beautiful black started it off at the bottom, surrounding the tall building then as you look up it fades from a orange to a yellow, then blue. ''It's beautiful isn't it.. ? '' Asui asks, as she pulled back down her mask, which was only showing her mouth before. ''It is.. '' I agreed smiling.

By the time we made it home, it was around 12:00 am and we set our stuff up and went into our dorms. 

I struggled to sleep, and went to see if Tsuyu is awake. She was and like last time she was reading a book, ''Hey Tsu, can't sleep?'' She nodded ''no'' as she looked back up to me. ''Me too.. maybe we could do something? '' Tsu looked up at me, ''Sure.''  I smiled and Tsu closed her book.

We found something to do and just watched some cartoons. It seemed Tsu started to doze off so I turned it off and headed to bed too, it was fun today.. it was fun taking my mind off of everyone and everything.. as I started to back to my dorm, Tsuyu spoke ''I'm glad it was.. just the two of us, today..'' and Asui walked off like nothing, although I stood there slowly turning red.

After a while of thinking over of what she said, I am also glad that we had time together.. 

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