Chapter 10

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"USJ Part 1"

After the battle trial and with Izuku being bombarded with questions because of his battle with Bakugou , the students had gathered their belongings and went home, with Izuku who was busy getting his stuff while setting up his phone to listen to some music and then heading out and heading home.

A few minutes went by and for Izuku he felt like someone was following him causing his eyes to shift a bit.

But that soon passed making him sigh, 'I'm not in the mood for someone to jump me...that's Ochako's job' he thought of this with a smirk that plastered on his face and heading home.

A few days passed Izuku sees the crowd of reporters as soon as UA comes into view. His ears twitch, both in irritation and at the racket they’re making ahead of him. Camera shutters, screamed questions, demands to see All Might. Izuku sighs. 'I know he’s the Number One Hero and all, but there’s got to be something more relevant you can report on! The story broke yesterday, everyone already knows that he’s here! What’re you gonna report? That you saw him on his way to work?'

The real trick is going to be getting through them and on to campus. He could just try and hop over the wall, but he’ll probably get in trouble for that. Izuku briefly entertains the idea that the crowd will politely part and let him get to class, but he dismisses it just as quickly. He knows they care more about their scoop than about his grades.

Izuku lets out a sigh. He’s just gonna have to try and force his way past. He makes his way over to the mob, looking for the thinnest parts. One of them sees him as he comes close.

“You there!” A microphone was suddenly in Izuku’s face. “What kind of lessons does All Might teach!”

“Excuse me,” Izuku says. “I need to get to class…”

“Come on!” another reporter says. “Just a few comments! What did you think when you saw All Might at the teacher’s podium?”

Izuku shoves his way forward, very deliberately remaining silent over admitting he was thinking about when All Might told him to be realistic and left him on a rooftop that sucked but it didn't cause Izuku to feel depressed but mainly disappointed towards the hero.

“Wow kid, way to be rude! It’s just some basic questions! C’mon!”

“I’m gonna be late…” Izuku says.

“All Might isn’t here right now,” comes the tired drawl of Mr. Aizawa. Izuku has never been more relieved to hear his voice. “You’re interfering with class. Kindly vacate the premises.” He takes a step forward, reaching out and pulling Izuku free of the crowd.

“Come on!” someone yells as Izuku jogs through the gate. “We just want to hear from All Might!”

“You don’t want to do that,” Mr. Aizawa says. Izuku turns back to look. A woman with a microphone and a company band on her arm takes a step toward the gate.

“Can’t you get him to tell us a little—”

With a loud clang, a metal gate slams closed over the entrance. Crashing metal echoes, and Izuku whistled at what he was seeing. Some of the reporters keep talking on the other side, Izuku’s enhanced hearing picking them up.

“That’s the UA Barrier. Their first line of security,” someone says.

“What?” that woman says. “Are you serious?”

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