Robert Upholds The Marriage Pact

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It had been a halfhearted agreement between the two all the way back in their sophomore year of high school. Nikki hadn't even realized they were genderfluid yet and Robert was the only not cis person they knew. Maybe that's why they'd chosen him to make the pact with. Maybe it was just because they'd tried dating and it hadn't ended terribly. Maybe it was just because they knew he would never get married on his own accord because he didn't like people like that.

Whatever the case, one day she'd texted him, plain and simple, asking for his hand in marriage if they were both single and unmarried by thirty. See, Nikki had a plan for her life and part of that plan relied on her being married by thirty at the latest, so a backup plan with someone who she knew she could rely on seemed like a great idea. Even better, Robert had agreed.

He liked Nikki well enough and it wasn't like he had any other plans of getting married himself. Besides, he was sure that the young actor would find someone in the romantic sense that he'd always heard him rambling about. It's not like the pact would ever take into effect, he figured.

On Nikki's thirtieth birthday, she got a text from Robert. Being fully honest, she had no idea what the message would be about, probably just a typical birthday wish- She hadn't forgotten about their pact but it wasn't at the forefront of her mind either. Not at all mentally prepared, she opened up his notification.

theporch : Happy birthday, Nik! You married yet?

He smiled at the text, memories of their conversation flooding back from all those years ago. Many conversations about how to support each other with their various needs (Robert with his meltdowns, Nikki with his hallucinations, Robert with his chronic pain, Nikki with his eating issues- The list went on for a while) came rushing back and his smile grew wider and wider. Was he sad he hadn't found love in the way he'd always wanted? Sure. But Robert hadn't forgotten, and his life plan didn't have to be abandoned. So, he quickly texted his reply.

kstewartsnumberone : i am not :)

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