a bunch of my OCs and other things and any image I upload isn't my own I'm using them to give you an idea of what they may look like. (All credit to the people who originally made the photos) for the mha quirks you may use them just tag me in the st...
✖️Likes: Flirting with Dean, helping out Bobby, killing monsters ➖Dislikes: Being told what to do, Crowley, God, Lucifer, John.
✖️Hopes: Dying at old age, Finding love, Being useful ➖Fears: Dying alone, Hellhounds
✖️Backstory: Teo's earliest memories are of his mother leaving him with Bobby Singer early spring. Teo's mother was in trouble and was worried something bad would happen to Teo. As Teo grew up he would try to get Bobby to tell him what happened to his mother but Bobby would never say, either he didn't know or just wouldn't say. Bobby did help him practice his witchcraft while also hunting with Bobby. Sam and Dean would come around every once and awhile, and every time Teo would immediately flirt with Dean. Eventually Teo would go off by himself without Bobby but somehow would run into Sam and Dean. John never liked Teo all to much, thought he was a monster and didn't like him around his boys.