"Re-Meeting" ⚠️

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Many of the bushes and trees were an annoyance, they could be anywhere.
Well, more specifically, they could be with HIM.
Mephone hated that idea so much, but it was the only logical conclusion he could arrive at. Someone like Toilet wouldn't just leave like that, he'd at least try to come back first and talk about it before disappearing from the face of the planet. Mephone felt more anxious each torturous step he took. The thought that either of them- Mepad or Toilet could've been taken away by that... man...
It was horrific. Every time he thought about it, he could only hear Toilet's stupid voice, "The corn man? Mistah phone-", it was terrible. Toilet wasn't really... the most.. normal person Mephone had ever met, but he didn't deserve that guys wrath just because he wanted to be an assistant for a silly gameshow he was a fan of.
A fan.
Toilet looked up to Mephone, really.
Mephone regrets not being a little bit nicer. Maybe if they ever get to meet again- if Toilet accepts, he can be co-host again. It's not like he was even bad at being a co-host- he was entertaining, to say the least. And he knew how to do it. Mepad and Toilet took over episodes before because of Mephone's little accidents. But the audience and the contestants still enjoyed the show while the other two hosted.
Mephone felt incredibly conflicted. Toilet was loud and a bit.. eccentric, yes, but he didn't deserve the treatment he got, at all.
And Mepad was a really good person. He was kind and understanding, but Mephone even blew him off sometimes. He really wanted to say sorry. Even if the last time he apologised to Mepad, it ended badly. He just wanted another chance. Maybe, if he had said something else that night, Mepad would still be here, and they'd have found Toilet by now- and season two would keep going.
If only Mephone wasn't a coward. If only he didn't freeze up like that.
He felt angry.
Angry at himself, angry at that man... angry at...
Angry at everything.
The forest wasn't an ideal place to start at nighttime, but there wasn't really any other options, he'd looked almost everywhere else, afterall.
He sighed shakily and kept walking, pushing through the tons of leaves and branches there.
It was really annoying. This place was awfully overgrown-, maybe he should try fixing it up at somepoint. If he ever gets the chance to. This place doesn't seem like the worst place to relax, afterall.
He kept pushing through the numerous bushes and trees, until he finally reached a clearing of somesort. He ducked under a branch, and into it.
It had a lot less bushes, barely any- and no branches. Finally.
He figured he'd sit down for a moment. If he wants any chance of finding those two, he would have to have the energy to, and although he didn't get tired as quick, he was still technically old tech and not used to running.
He found a secluded spot under a tree, and decided to sit there and breathe for a moment before continuing on.
Once he sat, the exhaustion really got to him.
Whilst catching his breath, and leaning against the tree, he thought he heard a noise of somesort.
He figured it may have just been a small animal, and ignored it, until he heard something like snapping.
He stood up quickly and glanced around, looking for anything, or anyone- the noise he just heard couldn't have possibly been a small animal. He felt extremely anxious, and called out, "Mepad..? Toilet..? Is that you?" He was practically sweating, if he could.
There was another rustling noise in one of the bushes to his right. He slowly backed away from it, until something came tumbling out of it with another snapping sound.
There was a small yell, and there seemed to be someone on the ground close to him.
He decided he should step back a bit, and so he did, until the shadowy figure pushed themselves up from the ground, and held onto a thick tree branch for support.
It was only then Mephone saw her face.
She winced, and rubbed at her head while muttering something like, 'Second time this week..'
Then, she looked up, and made eye contact with him.
The look on her face was indescribable, as she changed facial expressions multiple times.
Mephone stood there, leaned back against another tree, mouth agape. He squinted, just to make sure this was definitely real, and he found himself at a loss for words.
Why was she here.
She was supposed to be gone now, she said she'd 'take her leave.'
His voice cracked, "Taco?"

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