"Making Amends"

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Mornings at the Hotel were a bit... weird. Rubix cube had only stayed the night because there was no other option, and sleeping underneath the stairs made them feel a bit achy.
They pulled themselves out of the blankets, groaning, and made their way to the 'main room' for a drink, before leaving.
As they walked through the hall, the ran their finger along the lined wallpaper.

As they walked, they ended up bumping into something.
He turned around to face them, and then frowned slighted. "Oh... uh, hey, priest person I yelled at yesterday."
Mephone averted his gaze slightly before continuing, "I'm uh, sorry, about the yelling by the way- that was kind of.. uh, bad on me? Sorry."
Rubix cube smiled a little, "No- uh, you're fine. Being a priest sucks, anyway. I only did it because I had to. So don't worry, you're fine. I gotta be going now anyway though, so-,"
Rubix cube felt grateful for the apology, but they didn't really see the ... need for it? They did swear in the middle of the wedding ceremony, so Mephone had every right to be upset
"Well, then, you can go, but I am sorry for yelling, I didn't mean to come off that harsh."
Rubix cube smiled once more, before walking past Mephone and into the main room.

Mephone felt a slight weight come off of his shoulders after he apologised.
He had been wandering the halls of Hotel Oj, and now that he apologised, he could get back to.. work.
He leaned against a wall, and took a deep breath.

He was unsure of how long he had stood there for, when he slowly walked to the main room and saw no sign of the object he had just spoken to.
He saw Oj and Paper sitting close together on a couch looking at something, online perhaps?
Soap was sweeping up the kitchen and Pickle was playing video games. Mephone figured this must be a more... easygoing morning, the contestants had always been a bit erratic... right?
He strolled toward Oj, hoping everyone would continue to ignore the crack on his screen,
"I'm gonna get going- but uh, congratulations you two."
Oj smiled, "Alright, thanks dude. See ya." Paper waved too, and Mephone pushed open the front door and left, stepping into daylight.

It was much brighter than he anticipated, and it was a bit hard on the eyes, even through the whole screen and all.
He enjoyed the party, really, and he enjoyed getting to be Oj's best man, but he had to get back to work, now.
With her.
He sighed again, and started walking in the direction of the cave. It was a bit of a walk, but he didn't mind. He had to 'mentally prepare' to talk to her again, anyway. He still thought a lot about that night.
That night, when she lied.
"You're a sad person, Mephone."
It echoed in the back of his mind constantly, it's almost as if she did that on purpose.
But he just had to push it away, all this thinking would slow him down, and what he was doing was important.
It was for Mepad and Toilet.


The walk was excruciatingly slow, and Mephone's feet were starting to hurt.
But eventually, he was faced yet again, by the cave.
He may aswell name it, at this point.

Breathing in harshly, he walked into the cave and immediately noticed Taco standing on a rock sorting out random pictures and documents, pinning them to a board?
A board? Where did she get a board-? He was gone for a day.
Taco was holding two different files, looking for somewhere to put them, most likely, when Mephone spoke,
"Taco? What.. are you doing?"
She jumped, dropping the two files and letting them fall slowly onto the ground.
"Ah- Oh, Mephone. I am..." She looked at Mephone, then at the board, then back at Mephone.
"Investigating? If we want to get into this place," She stepped off of the rock, retrieving the two files, "Then we have to plan it. We can't just go stroming in, guns a' blazing, you know."
She handed one of the files to Mephone, "You may read that one. It has information about the architecture and building-", "I know the building." He added flatly. Taco slowly stepped back, taking back the file and handing him the other.
"Well.. then, this one is about all of the new security and technology they have up there. Knowing it would give us an... advantage, I suppose."
That had piqued Mephone's interest, as he opened the file and began spreading out its contents on the ground.
Apparently, the security measures increased quite a bit, and they had all sorts of new technology and camera systems.
Mephone cringed seeing the photos, it gave him a nauseating feeling.
"Disgraceful, isn't it? The guy releases something new every hour, I swear. Then they go and mess up the old stuff so you'll buy the new ones, I heard."
Mephone huffed, and gave a hum of agreement.
He finally had everything spread out, and scanned thoroughly.
He noticed all of the news articles, release dates, interview screenshots...
Although, he had one certain question on his mind.
"Taco, how did you manage to get all of this?" He asked, with a slight tone of accusation. She closed her eyes and sighed, "I have my ways. It's not like that company has any brains outside of tech."
Mephone couldn't tell if that answer had any truth in it, but he didn't care too much to push it.
Mephone stood back up straight, and went straight toward the board, examining it. It looked like those kind of boards detectives would have, with all of the red string and crime-stuff.
There were documents, a lot of them. The earliest one dating all the way back to 2008-
Mephone read, while Taco worked on sorting out what went where.

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