"Unravelled" ⚠️

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"No! No, no no...! No way- I mean, him?"
Balloon didn't know what to think. The realisation, the shock.
Mephone, of all people?!

"Like... Suitcase, this is? Do you think it's really him?"
Suitcase paused, plopping back down onto her bed and sighing, "Well... I completely forgot before, but... I've seen this, whiteboard he wrote on once. The... spellling errors, the handwriting... the 'B4'? It's obvious! The writing is pretty much identical, I remember it."
So it definitely was Mephone.

But why would Mephone write him an apology and no one else?
Unless... he did? And he got his late? Then, why did no one speak of it?
This whole situation confused Balloon extremely.
All he could do was stand, awkwardly, near Suitcase who sat on her bed staring at the floor, frowning.
Should they... tell... everyone else about the letter?
It would be the only reasonable thing to do, but...
Should they?

Balloon had no idea how to handle this. He thought, the person who wrote it would've been... would've been... literally anyone else! Mephone?!

He made his way to Suitcase's bed and sat beside her, wondering if he should try and talk with her, or get her opinion. But, when he tried to look at her, she faced the other way.
Was she still processing this?
If so, then maybe he should give her some space. They had been working on this for a long time, and now that it's over, and the person who... wrote it...
That reveal was also a bit much.
She must've been just as confused as he was.
He didn't really blame her.

Balloon slowly sat up, and got down from the bed.
"Suitcase?" He called back, as he walked toward the door.
Suitcase looked up slowly, frowning still. A puzzled expression of sorts, plastered on her face.

"I'll give you a little space, okay?"
Suitcase nodded slightly, and sighed, turning around, facing the board with all of their notes.
Balloon then quietly opened the door, and stepped out, shutting it carefully.
Suitcase seemed a little... strange, now. Stranger than he thought she'd be right now.
But maybe that was just how Suitcase was. Balloon didn't know much about her, from before Inanimate Insanity, but he did know her life was just normal. So, maybe this big shocking thing just took an extra toll on her.

Balloon thought, and kept thinking as he trudged down the stairs. He didn't feel like taking stairs, but he was definitely not stepping a foot in that torture elevator. No one really has, since the stairs were put in, anyway.
He continued down the hall, and to the entrance into the main room, when he noticed... the daily yelling.
Usually everybody was loud enough, but there was always a time of day when they'd be extra loud.
Like this.

Although, through the chaos around, he noticed Oj sitting calmly on a couch, writing something down with a pen.
Maybe he should tell Oj.

Balloon took another few steps, until he was right beside Oj.
"...Oj?" He asked politely.
"HUH-? Ah- oh, hi, Balloon. Didn't... see you there? Sorry, I've been a bit too focused on this and blocking out the zoo that surrounds us. How can I help you?" He rambled, casually.
The Hotel manager in him was really at it right now, Balloon could tell.

"I... just... I need to talk to you, about something... important. It doesn't involve the Hotel, so don't go all crazy on me." Balloon explained, almost whipsering, so he wouldn't catch anyone's attention.
Although, he did notice Nickel staring at him more peculiarly than usual. He had been giving him, 'the look' for a good 20 something seconds now. Since he noticed him.
He also noticed him whipsering something to Baseball.

Oj furrowed his brows in curiosity, gently putting down the pen and paper on the wooden table.
"Alright, well, I'm listening. Go on." Oj put a hand on his 'hip', and stared at Balloon expectantly.
Balloon frowned, and whispered again,
"Well... uhm... in private...?" He asked, gnashing his teeth together, hoping no one, or Oj himself, would think this was a strange request.

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