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YOU ALL STOOD THERE IN SILENCE, THAT WAS UNTIL MALIA BROKE THE SILENCE THAT LURKED IN THE ROOM. "So what should we do about argent?" Malia asked Scott and Lydia.

"Uh, i mean, i'm never gonna get a signal now, even if he's texting me i wouldn't know" Scott told them.

"well we're going have to do this now, we can't wait for him" Your mom told them.

"it's his daughter" Scott replied to her.

"you said it has to be tonight, he would want us to do this without him" Lydia responded to him. Malia looked back at you and Eli.

"Don't you have something to do?" Malia asked the both of you.

"Nope, i most definitely don't" You shrugged at her, she glared slightly at you and looked at Eli.

"Yeah, i have a lacrosse game to play, more like a lacrosse game to show up to since i never get to play" He told everyone, you laughed at him which he slightly shoved you playfully, however everyone just stared at him.

"Oh you want me to leave? okay i got it" He replied laughing. He looked at you and you shrugged.

"what?" You asked him confused.

"You're not going to come and watch me play?" He asked you, inside he really wanted you to come and watch him, he didn't know why, but he was already attached and clingy to you. You gave him a 'what the fuck' look.

"you just said you don't play, why would i want to watch you sitting down on the bench, whilst we are in the freezing cold?!" You exclaimed.

"Moral support" He shrugged.

"what moral support!, ugh you're such a loser" You groaned at him.

"Thank you" He grinned at you, you pulled a face at him.

"i didn't say yeah" You glared at him slightly .

"but you didn't say no" He replied grinning, you waved him off and turned to your mom and Scott.

"i'll see you soon?" You asked them hopeful, which they nodded, you nodded grinning, you waved them all goodbye and turned around and began walking back in the direction you came from.

"i'll tell my dad that i saw you guys" Eli said to them as he was about to follow you but was stopped by Scott.

"no don't, don't tell him anything this is kind of personal" Scott told him, Eli nodded understanding.

"alright don't worry i won't say anything" He assured them, smiling slightly at them he turned around caught up with you.

"Weird huh" He said to you.

"not really, it involves supernatural stuff it's bound to be weird" You told him which he nodded at, "that's true", he replied.


You made your way to Eli's school, which was also your dads high school that he had went to when he was a teenager. You parked outside and you both walked inside the school, you looked around smiling, it was a better school than the one you went to back home. You and Eli made your way to his locker where he grabbed his Lacrosse items and uniform.

"come on, it's this way" He told you as you were looking around clueless to where to go next, so you let him lead the way.

You had gotten a text from your dad, you opened it and he was asking if you arrived at your grandads house safely and he asked if you were okay, which you responded with yeah and told him that you were currently in his old high school.

As you were about to turn your phone off, you bumped into Eli's back as you weren't watching where you were going, but to be fair he also wasn't watching where he was going, he bumped into your grandad which caused Eli to stop where he was, hence you bumping into Eli.

"dude, ow" You whined as you stepped back and looked up up see your grandad standing there.

"Hey grandpa" You smiled up at him.

"y/n? what are you doing here?" He asked you confused.

"what do you mean? i go to this school" You said sarcastically grinning at him. He raised his eyebrows at you.

"why must you always be sarcastic with me? i've already dealt with it once" He asked you complaining.

"Come on, you can't expect me not to use sarcasm when you know i'm my fathers daughter" You laughed which he shook his head at sighing.

"i'm here to watch Eli's lacrosse game that he won't be participating in" you told him which he nodded at and then began talking to Eli. Eli's dad then stepped out from where he was hiding .

"we can talk about it later, i'm here to watch you play" Derek told him, you knew it was from the argument him and Eli had, Eli told you about it.

"well prepare for disappointment, cause if you didn't notice, i never play" Eli replied to him, laughing slightly.

"i noticed and i'm going to talk to your coach about it" Derek told him, which caused Eli to panic.

"Oh god, no, no, no!" Eli pleaded his father but Derek was already on his way to the Coach.

You softly placed your hand on Eli's arm, he turned around and looked at you.

"i'm going to go outside and wait on the stands, i'm rooting for you" You smiled up at him, he smiled back at you.

"Thanks" He smiled, you nodded at him, you then nodded at your grandad smiling slightly and made your way outside towards the lacrosse pitch, which was easy to find, where you then sat on the stands waiting for the game to start.

Eli watched as you walked away, the feeling from where your hand was just softly placed slightly heated up the spot, he began to blush slightly as he longed for your touch again. Your grandad cleared his throat as he gained Eli's attention. Eli laughed awkwardly, as your grandfather stared at him, but inwards he was slightly smiling at the interaction of what you and Eli just had.

IN LOVE WITH THE SON OF A 'MONSTER' > ELI HALEWhere stories live. Discover now