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YOU WERE SAT DOWN ON THE BLEACHERS AS YOU WATCHED THE LACROSSE GAME. Eli still wasn't on the field, but nonetheless you still enjoyed watching the game.

You couldn't help but keep glancing at Eli sitting on the bench, he looked really attractive in his lacrosse uniform. What you didn't know was that Eli glanced at you time to time watching you be so into the lacrosse game.

It was the last five minutes of the match and a player was knocked down and had to sit out of the rest of the game. The coach sighed and groaned he looked at the bench and saw Eli playing with his lacrosse stick. He sighed and shouted at him.

"You, number 11, get on the field" He shouted your eyebrows raised up in shock.

"Woo! Go Eli!" You stood up and shouted excitedly as you watched him excitedly stand up, he turned around and gave you a big smile, he slightly blushed at you cheering him on but you were too far away for you to see the blush rise on his cheeks. You sat back down when the referee blew the whistle for the game to carry on.

Eli ran around the field as he tried to get his team players to throw to him but none of them passed to him, it was probably because he was too clumsy; which showed within a minute after he got onto the field, a player finally passed to him.

He threw the ball to another team player and as he went to run to the other end of the pitch, not looking where he was going, an opposing team player bashed into him knocking him to the floor which made him twist his ankle. You gasped, you quickly got down from the bleachers and ran onto the field to him not caring about the looks you were being given for running on the field.

"E, are you okay?" You asked panicked as you bent down and looked around the his body to find where he was in pain. You touched his ankle and he winced.

"Hey, you, why are you on the pitch?!" The coach shouted at you.

"Gee, i don't know, maybe because one of your players are injured" You shouted back, he looked down at Eli and sighed.

The whistle blew and you helped Eli get up, his dad, Derek, got up and walked over and helped you limp him in to the boys locker room.

You sat him down on the bench that was in there and sat next to him. Derek stood in front of you two.

"Hey, don't be such a Debby downer, you did really good" You told him, he sighed and looked down at his lap.

"i was in for less than a minute, i got the ball for a second and got knocked on my ass and i twisted my ankle" He responded as he pointed to his slightly bruised ankle.

IN LOVE WITH THE SON OF A 'MONSTER' > ELI HALEWhere stories live. Discover now