Chapter 9~ Date Pt. 1

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I opened my eyes and blinked a couple of times then sat up and put my hands on my head because it immediately hurt. I looked around and saw that I was in my room. I heard the door open and saw Niffty there. She saw me and her eyes lit up with happiness. "Guys, shes awake," Niffty shouted happily down the hallway. She came in and I heard multiple footsteps coming to my room and it was the others. "Y/N," they all shouted at the same time. It made my head hurt when they did that and it made me wince in pain. They realized that and quickly and quietly apologized and I said that it was okay. "How are you feeling," Vaggie asked me. "Okay I guess," I replied. Niffty came towards me and gave me some tea. "It will help with the headache," she told me. I thanked her and took the tea. "So how did you do that," Angel asked me. "Do what," I asked a bit confused. "What you did to those men. Don't you remember," he asked me. I was silent but then I remembered what I did to those men. "Now I remember," I told him. "How did you do that," he asked me again. "I don't know. It felt like something else took control of my body and forced me to do that," I told them. They all had a concerned look on their faces. "I can do some researching to see if that can tell us something about what you did," Charlie offered. "Sure, thanks Charlie," I told her. She smiled at me glad that she can try to find a way to help.

Time skip couple days later...

Its been a couple of days since the death of those men and my headaches finally stopped and Charlie is still looking for how I did that magic and the others are helping her. I was going to my room when Alastor came up to me. "Hello darling," he said to me. "Hey Al, do you need something," I asked him. " Yes actually, I wanted to ask you something," he told me. "Alright, what is it," I asked him. He took a deep breath and then asked, "I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?" His question shocked me. I've never been on a date before. "Yes I would love to go on a date with you," I told him blushing a little bit. He blushed a bit too and I could tell that he was relieved that I said yes. "Alright then I'll take you tomorrow at 9:00 pm. Is that alright," he asked me. "Yeah that's fine," I told him. "See you tomorrow," I said and then walked off.

Alastor POV-

She said yes to the date... YES!! I was overfilled with joy and relieved that she said yes. I have to go get the spot ready and it needs to be perfect. After Y/N left I left the hotel to get the spot ready for tomorrow.


I went to my room and when I got inside and closed the door I got really excited. I have been waiting to be asked on a date by someone who I was actually in love with and it finally happened. I went to my closet to pick an outfit for tomorrow.

After a bit of looking...

I finally decided on an outfit to wear tomorrow and I hope that it is good.

(The outfit you chose ⬇️)

(The outfit you chose ⬇️)

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I'm really excited and nervous for tomorrow night. I was so excited that I didn't even notice that Angel walked in to my room until he started waving is hand in front of my face which allowed him to finally get my attention. "Geez, finally," he said sounding a little annoyed. "Sorry Angel," I told him. "It's fine. Also while you were frozen you looked really excited about something. Why," he asked a bit confused. I blushed a bit and then answered his question, "Alastor asked me to go on a date with him tomorrow at 9 pm." Angel had a shocked face but then his face changed into a smirk and he said, "So he finally did it." "What do you mean," I asked him. "Me and the others knew that he was going to ask you out on a date he just needed to build up the courage I guess," he told me. "We also know that you have a crush on him," he said with a smile. I blushed when he said that half because it's true and half because him and the others knew about it. "Don't worry he likes you too... I think," he said. "Thanks Angel," I said in a sarcastic tone. "Your welcome," he said with a smile. He then wished me luck for tomorrow night and then left. 'Did he even realize that was sarcasm,' I asked myself in my head. It was 10:00 pm so I decided to go to bed and get some rest. I got changed into my pajamas and went to bed ready for tomorrow.

The next day at 8:00 am...

I woke up and looked at the time. I still had a long time before my date with Alastor. I went to the kitchen to make a coffee and get something to eat. No one was up yet so I decided to make them breakfast.

After making breakfast...

I finished making breakfast and I also got out Alastor's venison and I set the food on the table. I sat down next to the chair that had Alastor's venison in front of it and waited for the others to come down. They came down the stairs and saw that I made breakfast so they thanked me and I said your welcome. They shat down and started eating the food.

After breakfast...

I finished cleaning up and looked at the time and saw that it was 9:00 am. "Y/N guess what," Charlie said coming over to me. "What," I asked her. "Me and Vaggie found something that might help with figuring out how you have powers," she said happily. "Really? Great," I told her what was happening today and she said that she can show me tomorrow.

Time skip to 8:00 pm...

I had an hour left until my date with Alastor. I got changed and brushed my hair and Angel was there and he did my makeup again but he didn't do a lot of it. He only did eye liner and lip gloss. (again unless you don't like wearing makeup pretend you aren't wearing any) We heard a knock at my door and Angel went to answer it. "Y/N its for you," he said with a smile. He left my room and I went to the door and saw Alastor.

Alastor POV-

When I saw Y/N s I couldn't help but blush because she looked so beautiful. "Hello darling. Are you ready," I asked her. "Yeah, I'm ready," she told me. I offered her my arm and she took it wrapping her arm around mine.

Time skip...


Alastor told me that we were getting closer to the spot and he said that he was going to put a blind fold over my eyes because he wanted it to be a surprise and he said the he was going to lead me the rest of the way.

Couple of minutes later...


"We're here," Alastor told me. He said that I can take off the blind fold and I did. When I took it off and opened my eyes I saw what the spot looked like.

To be continued...

I'm Sorry... (Alastor x Female Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now