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Hallies POV

The Bell rings signaling the end of the school day as I sit in my math class. Finally I hate math. Stuffing everything in to my bag I stand flinging it over my shoulder as I rush towards the door. I see Val at my locker waiting for me and make my way towards her only to stop when I see she's talking to Michael. I thought she hated him? I shrug and walk up behind her grabbing her shoulders before yelling BOO!

"AHH YOU BITCH!" She screams while running after me as I laugh sprinting out of the school

We pull into the mall parking lot Val grinning with excitement. I step out of the car Val grabbing my arm and dragging me as fast as she can into the mall heading straight to hot topic. She finally let's go of my arm disappearing into the store leaving me standing at the entrence. I look around for a bit buying a lilo and stitch lounge fly bag. Hey don't judge me lilo and stitch is my childhood.

After a few hours me and Val are sitting in the food court stuffing our faces. Ah food I love it so much. I hear male voices and laughter near by causing me to look up from my food. It's Michael with his 2 friends Kyle and Thomas.

Michael and I make eye contact his eyes are an amazing brown I could stare at them all day. Whoa wtf he's an asshole!. I shake my head continuing to stuff my face looking back up in shock when I hear chairs screech across the floor seeing all 3 boys sitting with us smirking.

"Why are you guys sitting here?" I ask looking at them confused Val just as confused.

"What I can't sit with my girlfriend who I happened to run into at the mall?" Michael says a smirk on his face as he stared at me a Meschevious look in his eyes.

"HIS WHAT!?" Val shrieks looking at me with wide eyed that soon turned into a glare.

"Now don't kill me Val I was gonna tell you." I say slowly scooching away from her in case she decided to strangle me or something.

She goes from glaring to smiling which freaks me out as she looks at me and Michael.

"I didn't know you liked dickheads Hallie." She looks at me as she speaks giving Michael a glare.

Before I can speak she stands and grabs my arm dragging me out of the food court as fast as she could. No my precious food!


I watch Hallie get dragged off By her friend and I can't help but laugh her friends reaction was hilarious but also a little creepy. I look at Thomas and Kyle who are laughing as well.

"Dude that was awesome." Kyle says as he takes deep breaths from laughing so hard.

"Yeah I think you got her killed." Thomas says.

"Yeah probably hey you guys going to that party tonight?" I ask looking at both of them with a smirk on my face.

"HELL YA!" Kyle yells before he falls off his seat me and Thomas laughing.

"Yeah I'll go." Thomas manages to say as he laughs Kyle getting off the floor huffing.

Me and Thomas stand leaving the mall with Kyle to get ready for the party. I wonder if Hallie will be there. Wait why do I care if she's there or not? We aren't actually together so why do I care? Hopefully this party gets my mind of things.


"WHEN WERE YOU GONNA TELL ME YOU AND MICHAEL ARE TOGETHER BITCH!?" Val yells a mixture of excitement and anger in her face which is a little scary to me.

"Uh when I remembered to? I kinda forgot to tell you after it happened please don't kill me." I mange to get out a little scared of her at the moment Val can be pretty intimidating.

"I won't kill you but tell me everything!" She grins.

I should point out we are in the girls bathroom in the mall ya don't ask I don't know why she brought me here. I think of a way to tell her that doesn't tell her about the deal and explain everything I know I'm lying to my best friend but if I told her about the deal she'd flip out! She squeals and hugs me tightly after I'm done talking.

"I'm so happy for you! But be careful he can be dangerous to be around." She warns me and I sigh I already knew this I don't need a reminder.

"Yes I know Val I don't need reminded I'll be careful." I Reassure her as we leave the bathroom making our way out of the mall and to her car.

"We are going to a party tonight no if or buts about!" Val declares and I groan I hate party's.

"Ugh fine but I am not dressing like a Hoe Val. " I say firmly last time she dragged me to a party she dressed me in a dress so short it was barley when a dress I was so not happy she apologized after the party when I snapped at her I still feel a bit bad about it.

"Okay I know we don't need a recap of last time." She says as we get into her car Val driving towards my house.

We jam out to Halestorm an awesome band on the way to my house.  We pull up in front of my house Val jumping out of her car and rushing to my room I follow behind trying to keep up with her.

"Val slow down!" I yell after her as we get close to my room Val opening the door and going to my closet.

"Let's get ready for the party hurry up!" She says while digging through my closet and dresser.

This is gonna be a long afternoon.



Another chapter done!  I'm sorry it took so long things got chaotic and busy.

I hope you enjoy this chapter I'm sorry if it's  a bit short!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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