The Deal

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I silently cheer as the bell rings signaling the end of the school day. Making my way to door I exit the class and head to my locker. Only to freeze when I see Michael leaning against it looking around as if looking for some one.

"Um excuse me that's my locker. " I say pointing to the locker he's leaning on.

"I know. " he says moving off the locker to fully face me.

I Quickly open my locker stuffing my books into it before slamming the door shut. I was in a hurry Val was my ride home and I learned the hard way she will leave me behind if I take too long.

"In a rush nerd?" He asks staring at me his eyes void of emotion.

"As a matter of fact yes I am I don't feel like having to walk home. " I say fast walking towards the school doors.

I reach to push the door open when I see a large hand reach from behind me and shove it open with ease. Looking behind me I see Michael.   So he's following me now?

"I wanted to talk to you. " he mutters following me outside as I look for Val's car.

"About?"  I turn to look at him confused what could he possibly need to talk to Me about?

"I'm failing math and my ex won't leave me alone could you possibly be my tutor and fake girlfriend?" He looks at me with pleading eyes.

I just met him why would he ask me this!? I look at him in shock wondering if I should help him or not. He was rude yesterday and now wants my help? I hear a honk and jump looking over to see an impatient Val.

"Um lemme think about it." I mutter quickly before getting into Val's car leaving Michael standing there.

3 hours later

Im currently sitting at the desk in my room doing homework. Val didn't stop asking me questions the whole car ride it was tempting to tape her mouth shut. My phone buzzes with a text from an unknown number

Hey nerd

Who is this?

The incredibly hot dude you were talking to earlier.

I was talking to a hot guy earlier? I didn't notice must have been behind you. What do you want Michael?

While I wait for him to respond I change his contact name to Jerk face clicking done just as my phone buzzes.

Jerk face
Have have you made a decision yet?

I've been thinking about what he asked me for the last 3 hours still confused as to why he asked me of all people.

What do I get out of it?

Jerk face:
You get to hang out with the sexiest guy on the earth😉

I get to hang out with Ryan Reynolds!?

Jerk face
You hurt me nerd


When he doesn't respond I go back to my homework eventually finishing it before flopping on my bed. I snuggle into my warm blankets with my laptop in front of me.
Sweets no! How could they kill you!  I lay in bed tearing up as I watch sweets body being brought in to be examined by cam. Bones is my favorite show but I cry everytime I get to sweets death. I pause the show when my phone rings blaring psycho by Ava max

"Yes Val?" I say answering my phone.

"You me mall Friday." She says quickly in her you don't have a choice tone.

"Alright fine now lemme get back to my show! " I hang up and continue watching my show for another hour before passing out.


I groan as my alarm blares loudly. Slamming my hand on the alarm I sit up and stretch. Did I mention I hate mornings? I shuffle to the bathroom doing my business before stripping and taking a hot shower. The hot water runs down my skin relaxing me as I wash my hair with my apple scented shampoo.

I wrap a towel around my body and rush into my room. After digging in my closet for almost an hour I put on a legend of Zelda shirt with jeans and converse. I finish putting my hair in a pony tail when the smell of bacon and eggs wafts into my room. BACON HELL YA! I rush down stairs to see my mom finish with the bacon.

"Good morning sweetheart." Mom says smiling at me a plate of bacon and eggs already sat on the table where I usually sit.

"Good morning mom." I say sitting and stuffing my face with the delicious bacon. This bacon is fucking amazing.

I place my now empty plate in the sink hearing a honk from outside. I kiss my mom's cheek then head outside grabbing my bag on the way out.

"Morning bitch." Val says giving me a quick hug before starting to drive.

"Hello hoe." I say  we both laugh and the rest of the car ride to school is spent jamming out.

I fling my bag over my shoulder and walk toward the school. Once inside I head to my locker to see once again Michael leaning on it but this time he was talking to someone not noticing when I came up next to him.

"Jerk face could you please get off my locker? " I said doing my best to give him an annoyed look.

"Not until you give me an answer nerd." He says whoever he was talking to walks away once he attention is on me.

"Fine I'll help you now please move before I'm late for class." I grumble glaring at him I hate being late for class everyone stares at you when you walk in. 

"Great see you after school nerd." He grins walking away a smirk on his face.

I glare at him before grabbing my books from my locker and running to class. I manage to get there right as the bell rings.  Phew I made it no thanks to that jerk face.


Second chapter done whooo!
I hope you guys enjoyed it and again plz don't judge to harsh it is my first book so I'm doing my best.


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