Okay, this chapter is about how Cole was (finally) able to convince the infamous, former, King Vangelis, or the Skull Sorcerer in other terms, to give him the blessing in marrying Vania.
By the way, this idea just came out of NOWHERE!
Written in third person limited point of view. I only write in first person in the new generation book.
High above in the sky, in the Ivory City of Shintaro, the once fabled kingdom, stood a well known Ninja in the room with Shintaro's queen.
Cole was all in all nervous. Today was the day that he would ask Vania's father, Vangelis, for the blessing or agreement that he could marry Vania and be his Yin. That was not an easy task.
For some weird reason, Vangelis has always had this sort of anger issue when it comes to Cole. This all started when Cole defeated him in the Mountains of Shintaro and in Ninjago city when Vangelis was an ally with the Crystal King. So, in all sense, Cole was definitely not favoured by Vangelis.
"Then, how am I supposed to ask for the blessing?" Cole asked Vania for the millionth time. "Vania, he hates me! Loathes me! Whatever you want to call it! How am I ever going to do it?"
"Ninja never quit," said Vania, firmly. "Remember that? You can do anything. And if he says no, you can do it again, right?"
"Okay," sighed Cole. "But how do you think I should ask him to make it convincing?"
Vania gave a smirk as she pushed Cole into the room's closest closet.
She took a comb and started combing his tangled, messy, black hair.
"There you are! More presentable in the eyes of my father," she said, proud of what she had done. "This would probably help."
"Why? Didn't I look favourable to you earlier?" snickered Cole. "Or did you just comb my messy hair because you wanted to?"
"You look very much appealing in my eyes," pouted Vania. "Oh, look at the time! It's time for you to do it."
Cole took a peek at the Father's Clock, and sure enough, it was time for Hailmar, the right hand of the Shintarian Royal Family, to give Cole and Vangelis a time to talk.
"Sir Cole! Queen Vania!" called Hailmar's voice from outside. "The former King Vangelis will be removed from his room now."
"I guess there's no going back to this," said Cole, taking a deep breath. "Good luck to myself. I hope."
Cole and Vania went into a meeting room, where only the most prestigious and important meetings were held.
The doors, engraved with different styles in gold, opened, as the guards bowed down when Vania walked into the room, where Vangelis was staying, another guard by his side.
"Why did you call for me?" asked Vangelis, coldly. "And why did you bring that black Ninja?"
"Cole has a question for you, Father," said Vania.
"Oh, he does, does he?" Vangelis scoffed. "Fine, then! It's not like I have anything better to do in my prison cell except play the lyre."
"Well, er, you see, I-I-" Cole began.
"Scared?" chuckled Vangelis.
"No! It's just that I want Vania to be my Yang!" Cole suddenly blurted out, unexpected. "I like her!"
Conia: A New Beginning
AdventureAfter Cole has asked Vania to be his Yang, a new adventure begins! Find out what happens to this soon-to-be-married couple! Adventure, danger, and even more trouble await them! And maybe even a little surprise.