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"WHATAGH!" I screamed too loud, my hand on my chest, trying to calm down, I took to my right to see Ahad laughing his butt off, it doesn't take one to piece one and one together, "what the hell was that for" "what?" he asked looking so innocently, why would you do that, you almost gave me a heart attack" "aww, did I not succeed in giving you one, should I do it again to give me a proper one?" "oh my gosh, get lost"  "um ma'am you're in my car" "oh I'm sorry sir, I totally forgot" I said sarcastically while getting out the car. I slammed the door behind me, "KINZA BE CAREFUL, IT'S MY CAR" it was kinda funny though, like him treating his car like a baby or something,  I didn't even close it that hard. I made my way inside, baba and mama were sitting in the garden probably having there after dinner tea, I made my way to the garden table, "Aslaam Mama baba" "walikumsalam, where's Ahad?" I pointed behind me, where Ahad was approaching us and said salaam to mam and baba, "did you kids have dinner?" we both nodded our head in negative answer" "I'll tell Neha to set the table for you guys, Ahad does Sama know you're over?" "jee aunty, I just texted her letting her know" she smiled, "Kinza beta go freshen up, and Ahad beta, you can use the guest room to freshen up" "thanks aunty" we both went our way inside the house, I headed to my room, and Ahad must have made his way to the guest room.

I was so tired, so I quickly freshened up and changed into sweats and a loose top, and made my way downstairs, coming into the dinning hall where Neha had set the table for me and Ahad, he was already at the table, he hadn't started eating, was he waiting for me? I didn't say much and gave a plate to him and took one myself, I started taking out dinner, it was baba's style of daal and rice, even if I hated daal, this version of baba's daal was my favorite, we both started eating like we hadn't ate in days, but we were both quiet too, but a comfortable quiet.

Once we both finished I started bringing the plates into the kitchen, I didn't notice that Ahad was also bringing in dishes, which I was grateful for, he saved my second trip from the kitchen to the dinning hall and back. I thanked for the help. "do you want a cup of tea?" "are you making it for anyone else?" "no, mama and baba already had tea, I was planning on making hot chocolate for me and Neha, do you want some of that?" as much as I dislike him, I have been thought to offer a lot to guests, even the annoying ones sadly. "sure" he eyed me suspiciously. 

When I was done with the hot chocolate and came out,  I saw them through the garden door outside, I brought the tray of hot coco outside, Zara was also there, they were all sitting on a mat they had laid down. "hey Zara, how are you here, Bhai was here" "you should head home soon, it's getting late, aren't you sleepy" "Ms Kinza relax, it's the weekend tomorrow, let the girls chill and stop being lazy and sit outside for bit, just sleep in tomorrow or something" Ahad reasoned, "fine" I grunted. We all talked and enjoyed our hot coco as we sat outside, we were up most the night, until the girls really couldn't stay up anymore, we decided it was time to turn in for the night.

-Next morning-

I woke up early compared to the weekend, I did my morning routine and made my way downstairs, when I entered the kitchen, I was mama, who looked so lost in her thought, I called out to her a couple of times but she still didn't realize I was there. " Mama are you okay?" I asked as I softly tapped her gaining her attention. "oh, beta sorry I was thinking something" "mama, is everything okay? you look pale and down too, are you feeling unwell or something?"

"no no Kinza nothing like that" "then what is troubling you mama, tell me" "well beta, I got a phone call from your baba's doctor, he said since your dad's blood pressure is unstable sometimes, it can be dangerous for him since it can also cause him heart issues, and it is very important that we don't put him under any stress, or anything of such" "what" this can't happen, baba had this all me going up, nothing will happen to him now, "don't worry mama, baba is strong, he'll be strong, and don't worry, I'll try to lessen any stress he could have" 

I was so lost and down after that news, I couldn't even eat properly, or do anything of the sort, but I had to be normal in front of baba, he didn't know about his health, the doctor had told him he was perfectly fine, he just had to take less stress. Most the day I spent thinkin on how I can help any of baba's stress, trying to take the hard work for myself.

In the evening, we were all watching a drama together, then the doorbell rang, "Kinza, go check the door, it could be Ahad" I nodded and headed to the door annoyed, I slowly opened the door reveling a Ahad in black button shirt and jeans, hair carelessly brushed to one side. "can you not stay at your house" "unfortunately I can't abbu sent me here to get your car keys so I could get your car" emphasis on your.

"ugh, come in, I'll get my keys" I lead him in the house and made my way to my room to get my keys, when I got back, "baba, could I go too, I'll drive my car home myself" "mmm beta only if its fine with Ahad" we all turned towards Ahad to listen to his answer, "sure, go change first" I looked at my clothes,  I was wearing a dark blue kameez and leggings, "there's nothing wring with my outfit" "right there isn't, but I'm telling you to change" "I'm not changing just cause you say so" "then you aren't going" "baba" I whined, but no one was listening, "mama" I whined, "maybe you should change, she said looking at me from top to bottom, "fine" Ahad held a a victory smirk that I wish I could rub off. I went and changed into a yellow flowy top and loose trousers, since it was also warm. 

"bEtTeR?" I asked gritting my teeth as I made my way outside, he looked at my outfit, and after what felt like forever, "better". We drove off, we reached the garage, before I could leave the car, he suddenly held my forearm, I looked at his hand then him, "fix your dupatta" "what?!" "just do it, or stay in the car". I fixed my dupatta and and left the car, annoyed isn't enough of a emotion of what I felt against him right now, why does he do that.

Once I checked my car, Ahad talked to the mechanic and I drove behind him, as he drove in front of me, when  was driving  I saw my favorite bakery, I hurriedly pulled over and decided to get some good from home since baba and Neha loved them. When I finished paying and made my way out, I saw an angry leaning on my car, I slowly made my way to the driver side, but of course he saw me "what are doing" "getting to my car, what else, now get off, you'll ruin my car" "mm, why did you pull up, you should have told me, I would have stopped too" "Ahad stop over reacting like always, I know my way, I stopped to get a few things" "you still should have told me, you know you're clumsy and lazy" "for goodness sakes Ahad, that accident was when I was 15, I've grown up now" " I can't take chances, especially with you" "I know I know, might as well choose everything for me, even the guy I'll marry, don't worry I'll ask you before I go out with him too, how does that sound" suddenly hearing that he looked like he was controlling himself form ripping me apart or something "Kinza, get in the car now" not willing to argue with an angry Ahad I slowly made my way to my car. 

Ahad always could control his anger, but he always gave out to me, or showed me the most especially after the accident. 

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