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- Kinza -

"Baba, what's wrong? You always had little issues here and there with blood pressure, but now?" "Beta, according to the results your baba was under stress, causing him to have a panic attack and a life threatening one" I heard Uncle's voice from somewhere in the room. "He's sleeping right now since he has been given heavy sleeping tablets, but inshallah he'll be better soon" Uncle continued to say.

We had all spent most the night, Usman Uncle tired sending the women home but nothing, Baba had been sleeping for hours. Zara and Neha ended up falling alseep in the prayer room, while I eneded up praying for most the time, mama and Sama khala tried getting me to rest a bit, but I was agitated.

It was 3.04am, I was just about to drink some water when a nurse came running in, "who's with the patient Eajaz?" I abruptly stood up along with mama and uncle, "is everything alright?" Uncle spoke soon, "he is calling for his family and Usman Uncle's family". We all quickly looked at eachother and practically ram to baba's room. Baba was still laying on the bed, looking lifeless.

I was first to enter the toom and approach his bed, his eyes were struggling to stay open now, "baba, baba, are you alright?" Baba slowly nodded. Once everyone had entered the room, he slowly looked at Ahad and then Usman Uncle, "my dear friend, I have something I would like to ask for" baba spoke ever so quietly and slowly. "Say it my friend, I will try to fulfill it best as possible". Baba held my hand, "if it's possible, I would like if- if Ahad can my daughter's hand and make her his"  as if everyone forgot to breath, we all quietly tried absorbing the request baba had made, I was in an even bigger of a shock, after what felt like Usman Uncle coming back to his sense, he looked over at Sama khala and nodded then when she nodded back he spoke again, "we would gladly make Kinza our daughter my friend" baba held a relieved smile after hearing that.

He looked at me and Ahad who was standing at the door, "do you kids have any rejection" we both stayed quiet, I don't even know what Ahad would say, he always thought I was careless and clumsy, he always disliked me, what if he declines, I'll wait until he says something.

"Uncle, I would happily make Kinza my wife and keep her happy until my last breath" I was shook, was he only accepted because of baba's condition, I wanted to ask but right now everyone is waiting for my answer, "I also accept baba" again the smile of baba's face deepend as he heard our answer, "Usman, would it be rude of me if I asked you to arrange the nikkah for now, you can have the Rukhsati at your chosen time" "no no Eajaz, do not say it like that" Uncle immediately stepped out the room, making urgent preparations, mama and khala also went and got things that could be needed, while the four of us quietly sat with Baba.

It's funny, within the hour, Usman Uncle had called the imam for the wedding, and after our vows, I was officially married to Ahad. I hadn't looked at him until after our nikkah, but he held a straight face. Baba looked satisfied, "my daughter is now in safe hands, I can now die in peace" " baba don't say it like that" "yes Uncle, you still need to plan our Rukhsati, we need your blessings" "Ahad beta, you have all my blessings, all my children do".

The nurses said baba had to rest, as we were leaving, I reminded Neha, she had forgotten her phone, mama was staying at the hospital with baba. Me, Ahad and the girls had made our way to the room when mama ran out shouting for the nurse, as we entered the room, the doctor, nurse and mama ran back into the room.

Mama was crying again, me ans Neha immediately ran up to her, trying to comfort her and ask her what happened, but she cried non stop. After what felt like hours, the doctor came up to me and Ahad, "I'm sorry to inform you but the patient, has fallen into Persistent Vegetative State" I held my breath that means "-he has fallen into a coma" I had forgotten I was standing, I had almost fallen over unless Ahad wasn't holding on to me. I felt my eyes swelling, as the doctors leave, my head slowly looks at Ahad who is already looking at me, "Ahad, tell me what he said isn't true, baba's fine and well, please tell me" I was crying but I had somehow composed myself, I was in disbelf, all baba had was high blood pressure, but all this, I overheard Uncle saying baba had taken stress, but what had caused baba to take this type of stress, "Kinza, sit down and drink some water, here" he managed to make me sit down and       drink some water, I wasn't tearing up anymore and was more composed now. I had to stay strong, I had bring Mama and Neha gone who look far more distressed and crying.

After much convincing I managed to bring them home, Ahad had offered to drive since he knew I wasn't in right mind to drive all of us home.

We had arrived home and helped mama sleep, and since Neha felt really down she said she would sleep with mama tonight. When I left mama's room, I entered the living room and saw Ahad sitting and looking at my direction, "I'll be with baba tomorrow" " okay, you can tell me the time we'll be leaving at" "oh I meant, I'll be with baba at the hospital, I'm informing you that I'm taking days off from the company" after I said, he went quiet, looking straight at me, and yet again emotionless, I couldn't tell what he was thinking

"okay" and saying that he got up and left, I was following him out when he suddenly stopped, causing me to bump into his back, "you don't need to come out, I'll lock the door on my way" "but-" "I have spare keys too, go back inside and sleep, you've been awake for too long" I slowly nodded and turned to my way inside, what does he think of himself, he's always so controlling, and what's wrong with me I always end up listening to him.

I made myself a cup of hot chocolate and made my way upstairs to my room. I couldn't sleep since there was only 2 hours until Fajr, and my insomnia didn't help either. While waiting I decided to go up to my favorite places to think. The roof where my swinging bed was set up. Baba had gotten it for me a few years ago, it was my favorite place to come and just swing my days and nights. I replayed all the events that had taken place today, I had also completely forgotten that now I'm Ahad's wife, it just seconds and within words I was now his, I wonder how he felt.

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