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Jessica's P.O.V

"Fancy seeing you here." Haze says smiling at me

My heart flutters at her smile and I can't help but smile back

"Fancy indeed"

"How was ur day?" She said as she takes a sip out of whatever she's drinking

"It was pretty good, I got to see my favorite girl pretty much all day"

I blush as I look at my fingers fiddling together

"I did too."

"Oh my God!" Holly interrupts

"Hazel why don't you dance in the front?! I need you in the front so the other dancers can look at you when they don't remember the dance!"

Haze sighs and looks at me with red cheeks then back to Holly

"Oh gosh I think I perform better in the back to be honest with you."

Holly rolls her eyes and speaks "Ur crazy if you think that. I'm going to make a dance chart and put you in the front... so just be prepared for that."

Hazel's eyes grow big and she starts playing with her fingers again.

"Well I hope I can live up to ur expectations."

Holly puts her hand on Hazel's and for some reason jealousy grows inside my heart.

I shouldn't be jealous but for some reason I am.

Holly doesn't mean anything by it but still... she's mine.

Gosh what am I even talking about she's not even mine.

"You will" Holly says looking deep into her eyes "You are incredible."

Hazel's smile grows as she responds "If you say so."

Holly gets pulled out of the conversation as the drinks she ordered for us arrive at the table.

She hands me my water and I turn back to talk with Haze but she's in a conversation with one of the other dancers.

Again the jealousy hits me like a truck as I watch her smile as she talks with whoever this dancer is.

Chance pulls me out of my feelings and speaks up

"Jessie how do you like the dance we learned today?"

I reluctantly take my eyes off Haze and look to Chance

"I think its incredible... Holly is making this the best tour I'll tell you that."

"YES!" He says loudly "I'm so excited to preform. "When do we go on the bus?"

"Not for another four days... don't worry you will love it. Other than having to get used to the bus beds it's so fun."

Out of the corner of my eye I see Haze turn back towards me and lightly feel her hand brush against mine

God this tour is going to be so hard

I want nothing more than to just kiss her right now

"Excuse me" Haze says in my ear

I push Holly out of my way and stand up

As Haze stands she looks deep into my eyes as she turns and walks to the bathroom

Once she closes the bathroom door I clear my throat and push past Holly again to go to the bathroom

Maybe I'm reading too far into it but I think she wants me to follow her

So I will

As I'm passing Holly I hear her laugh and shout

"Have to go to the bathroom all the sudden, yeah Jess?"

I smile as I ignore her comment and enter the bathroom

As I'm entering I'm pulled into the first stall, and as I'm adjusting to what just happened...

I see Haze smiling right in front of me

I can't help but smile back and before I know it her soft lips are on mine

"We have to stop meeting like this"

She whispers against my lips

I smile again and she smiles back

"I just missed you."

"You know once we're on the bus we're not going to be able to escape to the bathroom to be alone."

Her smile falls and she nods her head

"I know."

I lift her chin up until her eyes meet mine and she gives me a weak smile

"You know" I say as she looks deep into my eyes waiting for me to continue

"I'm in control of the sleeping arrangements..."

She bites her lip concentrating on my words

"And we do have a bed close to mine... that I usually put Holly in... but I COULD put you in it."

"Great!" She says rolling her eyes "I'll be close to you but can't touch you."

I smile as I speak up again

"If you let me finish... I was going to say nobody would be able to tell if you weren't in ur bed because it's close to mine."

Her eyes light up as she looks back up to my eyes

"Oh my God no way!"

I smile at her excitement and nod my head

She bites her lip to stop her from smiling but all it does is set my heart on fire

I pull her back into a passionate kiss

All our kisses are passionate but this one was something different

In that moment I knew for a fact that I would do anything for this girl

Absolutely anything

And that... that is terrifying.

Another short chapter!

<3 Rae

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