I swear I'm not jealous

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Hazel's P.O.V:

I woke up with a pounding headache to Chance jumping on top of me and screaming


I push him off and hear a thud as he lands on the floor and cover my face with a pillow in an attempt to block out the light he so rudely turned on


I laugh at him as he's probably right and throw the pillow at him

"Well" he says appearing on top of me "She will probably have it anyways"

I laugh at his joke and hear a knock at the hotel room door

I shove him off of me again and hear the sound of him hitting the floor yet again as I run to the door

"HAZEL" I hear behind me as I can't contain my laugh

I swing the door open without even checking who it is

And see the most beautiful woman on the face of this planet

My Jess

"Oh hi!" I say pulling her into the room and kissing her the second the door closes

"Well good morning to you too!" She says with a smile

"Sorry I-" I get cut off by Chance yet again as he puts Jess into a hug

"Rather lovey duo we've got this morning, no?"

We both smile at her and Chance beats me to the speaking

"Jessie! We were just talking about you!"

I feel my cheeks burn as Jess looks at me and then back to Chance

"Oh were you?"

"Yeah Haze pushed me onto the floor TWICE! I told her you would have her ass if she hurt me before we even start the performances."

He crossed his arms as he looked at me waiting for Jess to defend him

"Okay thats not fair! HE was on top of me TWICE!

Jess laughed at us and grabbed my had and slapped it

Rather hard I must admit

"Ow!" I said pulling my hand to my chest dramatically

She rolled her eyes at me and looked at Chance


He smiled and nodded

"Next time much harder though."

She smiled and nodded her head and spoke "Oh for sure."

"Anyways... what brings you here, I don't suppose everyone is visit from Jessie this morning?"

I look at Jess with a smile and she responds

"Well I just wanted to see you guys before class starts."

He pulled a funny face as my smile grew bigger

"Well I'll just go get dressed in my room. With my headphones in. With the noise cancellation on. So I cant hear anything. At all."

I laugh at him as he quickly SPRINTED out of the room and back into his.

As he closes his door Jess brings me into a tight hug and I feel her breathe in

"I missed you"

I hug her back tightly and respond "I missed you too babe."

"You should make this a regular thing." I said into her neck

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