Prolouge, part 1

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The moon shone down on equestria as night fell. Colts, mares, and fillies alike were all sleeping soundly. Although as they were greeted with pleasant dreams, a cloaked figure glided silently through the castle. The figure stopped as they came up upon a small cupboard near the throne room.

Guard: "Where's the intruder?!" A couple of talking ponies with armor grouped up in the castle.

Guard 2: "I don't know! I just saw them run past here."

The cloaked figure stayed well hidden behind a pillar in the throne room before the guards all left. Once they did, they rushed to the cupboard and looked through it.

???: "Where is it? It's gotta be here somewhere..." A quiet female voice muttered to herself before she found what she was looking for. It was a book. "Aha. Found it."

Before she could examine the book she just stole, a voice suddenly shouts.

Guard: "There's the intruder!" He shouted to let the rest of his comrades know.

Guard 2: "After them!"

???: "Shoot. Time to go." The cloaked figure then galloped away as fast as she could through the castle hallways, her eyes scanning the castle grounds as she looked for a way to escape.

Guard: "You have five seconds to surrender before we-

The guard was enveloped in a red aura and thrown into a black marble statue of a pony.
The statue shattered to pieces as the guard slammed into it, he didn't get up. Nopony noticed as a cloud of black dust rose from the statue.

The guards didn't bother to look back at the statue, thinking it was just some artifact the castle was holding, unaware that it contained something dangerous.

Guard: "Don't let them get away! Surround them!" The captain commanded as multiple guards came along and approach the intruder.

???: "You fools think you can stop me? You have no clue who you're challenging." She snickered as she waved her horn through the air and enveloped herself in a red mist.

Guard 2: "I can't see anything! Does anyone have eyes on them?" He stumbled through the room searching for a way out of the mist.

Guard 3: "I can't see anything! I lost eyes on them!" He shouted, trying to find a way out of the mist as well.

Guard 4: "They couldn't have gone far! Can anypony clear this mist with their magic?!" He asked one of his comrades.

Suddenly the door burst open and the mist seeped out of the room. A violet alicorn strode into the room, her hair was a midnight blue with a purple and magenta streak, a twinkling star was imprinted on her flank. She looked around groggily at the scene in front of her.

Twilight Sparkle: "What's going on out here?" She yawned. "Don't you know sleep is almost as important as..." She paused when she saw the cloaked figure. Her eyes widened in surprise at the intruder and she got into a battle stance.

???: "Well, well, well, who do we have here? Another pony who doesn't know her place?" The intruder says with a smirk behind the cloak.

Guard: "Be careful! She seems to be quite a formidable fighter." He warns the mare as his vision begins to clear up.

Twilight raised her horn as it glowed a bright purple and released a beam of magic at her enemy. The cloaked figure created a magical bubble that deflected the beam. It shot around the room and eventually exploded into a nearby wall. She scoffed at Twilight as she trotted around the room.

???: "Pathetic, is this the power of the princess of friendship? I knew Celestia would never find a better apprentice than me but still." The intruder sneered as she walked towards the hole in the wall and opened the book she had been holding.

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