Boiling Point

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It was an average day in the city of Canterlot. The sun was shining brightly, clouds were nowhere to be seen, and the teenagers of the Canterlot High School trudged dejectedly through the halls. Although they all wore the same expression, one boy stood out in the sea of students. Everyone else seemed to be trying to avoid him as he walked towards his locker. His sunken eyes were a dull E/C and his S/C skin was covered in bruises, while his H/C hair was unkempt and wild. Y/N L/N's head hung low as he trudged through the crowd of murmuring students, ignoring the glares he got as he passed.

Nolan North: "You're telling me that hoodlum still goes to this school?"

Sophisticata: "I know, right? There's no way he could've been pardoned for what he did."

Then, slowly but surely the whispers faded away. Soon it was once again the sound of feet scraping across the floor and Y/N reached his locker. It was covered in chewed up bits of gum and spray painted with loads of rude gestures and words. Y/N sighed and opened his locker to grab his books, before it was slammed in his face. He groaned as he turned around to see a girl with light amber skin and cyan eyes grinning at him maliciously. Her scarlet hair and yellow accents matched the sun themed shirt she wore under her leather jacket, her skirt was orange with yellow and magenta stripes while her boots were decorated with magenta flames.

Y/N: "Come on, Sunset. I'm not in the mood to deal with this today. I have a test next period and the bell's about to ring."

She let out a snarky laugh and leaned in uncomfortably close to his face.

Sunset Shimmer: "That's Queen Sunset to you, Y/N." She glared at him and jabbed his chest with her finger. "And what reason would I have to be concerned about you or your little test? Aside from that handsome face masking your ever so disgraceful personality, nothing about you hints even the slightest of interest. Just being in the presence of me, the Queen of Canterlot High, is such an important honor to be stowed upon. A mere peasant like you should be worshiping the very ground I walk on. Though, since you're cute, I'll pardon you...this time."

She patted his head and walked off, the crowd of students parting to make a path for her. They all kept their heads down as she passed, once she was gone they all continued walking as if nothing had happened. Y/N grumbled and went to open his locker again, before the bell screeched and the hallway quickly emptied out.

Y/N: "Aw geez..." He trudged to his classroom and was met by a glaring teacher and snickering classmates.

Mr. Crankydoodle: "You're late L/N...again." He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "I don't have the patience nor the time to talk to you about it. Just go to detention; you'll take the test when you start taking school more seriously."

He handed Y/N a slip of paper and the class laughed at him as he walked out the room. As the door closed behind him, Y/N gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. The grip on his bag tightened and he took a deep breath, before finally sighing and dragging his feet towards the detention room. Stuck with nothing but himself, he was forced to listen to his thoughts as he walked.

They all hate you...

No friends...

No family...

You have nothing...

You are nothing...

Y/N pushed the thoughts from his mind as he reached the detention room, he opened the door and saw a teacher sitting there with an annoyed expression. She glared at Y/N when he opened the door and waved toward the empty desk.

Ms. Solitary: "Oh, it's you." She sighed. "Why am I not surprised? You know the system; pick a desk. There's plenty of options considering that you're one of the only ones who cause problems in this school."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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