Prologue, Part 2

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Sunset Shimmer: "Sunset. Sunset Shimmer. That's my name." She continued to look at his outstretched hand and attempted to mimic it. Y/N pulled her to her feet and she stumbled into his arms. He sat her against the statue and looked at her with concern.

Y/N: "Oh, geez, you can barely stand. Do you need a doctor? You might have some kind of paralysis." He looked at her for any sign of injury as Sunset studied the boy in front of her.
Sunset Shimmer: "Do you...want something from me? I don't have anything I could give you."

Y/N: "All I want is to help you."

Sunset Shimmer: "Why? We're complete strangers; it's not like we have a connection. What reason do you have to help me?" She said and Y/N just smiled at her.

Y/N: "Well let's see, you fell and couldn't get up, so you'd be stuck here, and because you're clearly new here." He chuckled before he continued. "So until you're comfortable enough to walk on your own, I'm gonna help you."

Sunset Shimmer: "I still don't really—"
Sunset began to realize how useful Y/N would be to her and formed a plan in her mind.
Sunset Shimmer: "Wait...I think I could make this work to my advantage." She thought as she put on a look of fear and confusion. "Huh. I...suppose you're right, I'm helpless right now. I can't remember anything that's happened to me, I'm sure I'll remember in time but how do I use my...limbs again?" She paused as she tried to remember the correct wording for this place.

Y/N: "How hard did she hit her head?" He wondered as he looked at her helpless demeanor. He finally sighed and sat down on the floor. She tried to mimic him but fell backwards and couldn't get up without Y/N's assistance. "So first let's start with your legs." He pointed at her feet as Sunset made mental notes of what certain things were called. "Your legs are what carry you most of the time so just try and stand up, simple as that."

Sunset Shimmer: "Standing up...okay then." She slowly got up and tried to keep her balance, her legs wobbling badly as she grabbed a nearby rail to prevent falling. "How does anypony walk with these tiny legs?" She thought to herself.

Y/N: "Well...that's a start at least." He sighed as he helped her sit back down. "Try to balance your weight on both of your legs. Once you're ready, move one foot in front of the other." He said as he demonstrated walking to her.

Sunset Shimmer: "Okay then...whatever you say. One...foot over the other is it?" She had to get used to saying foot now instead of hoof.
She began to take a couple of steps by herself, but those steps were painfully wide apart and really crooked looking. It looks like she was trying to do lunges if anything.

Y/N looked at her in disbelief, random students were starting to watch Sunset and snicker at her. He glared at them and they stopped laughing immediately. He sighed and walked over to Sunset.

Y/N: "Ok so you were...technically walking. But how about we try it with smaller steps, you've almost got it." He forced a smile at her

Sunset simply nodded as she did the same thing earlier, but shortened the distance between her steps. It took a little while but eventually, she got the basic gist of walking finally.
Sunset Shimmer: "So, like this?" She asks as she looks over the Y/N

Y/N: "Perfect!" He clapped his hands together. "Now let's get you used to using your hands. First, try and move your fingers." He opened and closed his hands to demonstrate.
Sunset Shimmer: "Fingers? You mean these...things?" She asks as she holds up her hands and wiggles her fingers around, an astounded look appeared on her face when she did.

Y/N: "There you go! Now what you wanna do is move your arm where you want your hands to go." He went to pick up a pebble on the floor. "Once you know what you want, close your finger around the item and grab it." He picked up the pebble and showed it to Sunset who stared in disbelief.

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