Chapter 36: Eclipse

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Lena felt a warm touch on her shoulder and looked down. Kara's angelic face was peaceful, her eyelids fluttering slightly as if caught in a pleasant dream. Not long after, a soft, almost musical snore escaped her. Lena raised an eyebrow, watching the sleeping blonde briefly, and covered her mouth.

"Time to wake up," She sang, struggling not to stifle a laugh. She pinched Kara's chubby cheek, her fingers proceeding to slow circles, trying to coax her lazy face, but instead, a frown creased Lena's forehead. "Kara?"

She called out, her fingers still warm from the contact.

"Kara, wake up" Her blood ran cold when the blonde didn't move. Panic reached her tearful orbs.

Was Kara...?

Suddenly, Kara's body jolted violently.


Lena forced Kara upright on the couch, gripping her shoulders tightly. Her heart raced so fast that Lena could barely hear anything else. Beads of sweat began to form on Kara's forehead, alarming the brunette's thoughts. 

"Please, don't play with me," she flinched, her voice trembling. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision as her hands shook uncontrollably. All she could think about was Kara—nothing else mattered. "Kara Zor-El, wake up," she ordered firmly, but the blonde remained unresponsive. The helplessness gnawed at Lena, and she could no longer hold back the tears streaming down her face.

"I'm ordering you, you shit hero! WAKE UP!"

Kara fulled her chest in a violent impulse, and dropped onto floor.

"Kara?!" Lena rushed herself to reach her friend, but then a barely voice came: "Le... Lena?", she whispered as she struggled to sit up, and coughed harshly. Lena hurried to support her, gently rubbing her back as Kara fought to catch her breath. The sight of Kara vulnerability made Lena compress her lips. "For Rao, this...", the blue eyes froze on Lena, "Were you crying?" Lena shook her head, eyes straight at the ground.  How could she be so selfish? Kara wasn't convulsing anymore, she wasn't breathless; however, Lena's sobs insisted rolling down, burning every shit positive thoughts she tried to cling to.

"Babe..." Kara touched Lena's cheek, feeling the wetness hit her fingertips. "I'm okay, Lee. I swear to you." Her warm words struck Lena like a blow, and more tears followed.

"You... You scared me" Lena cried, guilt clawing at her throat. She knew she shouldn't burden Kara with her honesty, not when she was so sick. But with Kara, she couldn't help it.

Kara wrapped her arms around Lena, and for the first time, she broke down. She couldn't stop her own tears from falling as she felt the trembling woman in her embrace. Lena hugged Kara back, her arms holdind as tightly as she could. 

"I was so afraid. You-... I thought I'd lose you." Kara shook her head, pulling Lena closer. "It's okay, Lee. I'm not going anywhere," she comforted, slowly breaking the hug to look into Lena's reddened face. "You see? I'm okay now." she added, gently wiping away Lena's tears. "Earth has this effect on me. I thoght I'd die in my first sickness too. Don't you think it's funny? And now here we are talking about..." Lena made a quizzical look and sniffed as she crossed her arms.

"Sorry," Kara cut, flashing a small smile. "But I'm still here, so don't overthink it. It's just a matter of time before I—"

Kara's throat closed up suddenly, and she leaped to her feet, taking Lena by surprise. In a rush, she covered her mouth, dodged the couch, and slammed the bathroom door. From a distance, Lena could only hear the Kryptonian retching. No matter how much Kara's kindness tried to calm herself, her body no longer could stand her lies. This reality made Lena's heart race.

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