Finding Felix

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  Felix scurried away from the angry store owner on all fours, naturally going back to his crawling stage. He couldn't get rid of it. He walks on all fours when he's scared or trying to run, and he's gotten pretty fast too.

  Though, it's bad news for his hands and knees. They're permanently scraped at this point. They hurt, but Felix doesn't know how to fix them. Felix yowled when he felt his tail being stepped on, and scurried even faster towards his favored alley.

   He panted as he slowed to a stop. His tongue lolled out and he hung his head, winded, and still hungry. His stomach growled and Felix felt tears reach his eyes. He was so hungry. He hasn't eaten since god knows when. His ears flattened against his head just thinking about it.

   A whine ripped itself from his throat. He had just wanted some food. Not anything big, maybe just a corn dog or some bread, but no one seemed to care. The shop owners shooed him away and yelled at him, once he was hit with a rock, and he never returned to that side of town.

  They didn't feed him because he was dirty, and a stray. No one wants to feed someone who looks like a walking infection. He was mangy and disgusting, and he smelled too. Felix sniffed at the thought, and a tear fell down his face. He didn't want to be any of those.

   Felix trotted over to his little, makeshift home, an old refrigerator box, and settled down on the cardboard with a choked sob. He just wanted to be loved. He wanted hugs, and kisses, and some praise. He wanted a bed, an owner, and a bath. He wanted a home.

  His home was this wilting box on the outside wall of a grocery store. His food was whatever the owners or passersby's threw out. His love was the occasional child petting his ears before they were dragged away by their mother. His bath was the rain.

  This was his life from the tender age of four, and he hates it.

  He hates that he's used to being pushed away, he's used to being yelled at and threatened. He hates that he's from Australia and not from Korea. He hates the language barrier and being hit, and being scared, and he hates the idea of having a person behind him— wait. Person behind him?

   Felix screamed and jumped back. Behind him were three dog hybrids, all very much bigger than him, and very, very scary looking. They were at least in high school, based on how young they look. They were definitely older than Felix. Mean. They were mean. Felix could tell.

  "What's wrong, kitty? Scared?"

  One snarled, sharp teeth shining menacingly. Felix's ears were permanently glued to the back of his head, and his breathing had become erratic. His claws were subconsciously glued to the box below him. He was downright fucking terrified.

  Felix tried to scurry to the left, but he was pushed back by a blond haired boy, who snapped his teeth in warning. Felix was cornered by three huge dog hybrids, and he couldn't get out. There was no escape.

  "Pl-please! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I don't want any trouble! I'll go!"

  He pleaded. The last thing he wanted was for him to get his ass kicked. He'll find a new alley if it meant that they would leave him be. He didn't want any trouble.

   The one in the middle growled close to his face, and barred his teeth. Felix flinched and let the first sobs rip from his throat. Felix hated being growled at. It was scary. Not to mention - has he mentioned? - these boys could eat Felix alive.

  Felix screamed at the hand that gripped his shirt tightly. This shirt was the last one he had, and it was already ripped.

  "Cats are so fucking pathetic. You're so fucking pathetic. I hate bitches like you."

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