Trials and errors

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   Felix had ended up falling asleep halfway into the walk home.

  It's not like boy meant to, because he really didn't. He was more than happy to ramble on about how he could jump really high or how sometimes he gets a lot of energy and just has to run around. Minho dutifully noted that the boy was prone to something called "The Zoomies". Minho sometimes has them, but not anymore. It's something all hybrids have, and it's adorable to witness.

The boy kept talking for what seemed like hours, and Minho and Chan put in their input when they felt it was necessary. Sometimes, Felix would get too excited and switch to English, and Chan would switch as well and communicate to the kitten until he switched back to Korean. Felix loved it, and found it extremely amusing.

But as it seems, every human has an engine, and Felix's just so happened to run out of fuel.

At first, it was just the small things that signaled that the boy was tired. He would let out little yawns, and his previous squeals were dwindled down to small giggles. He was slouching more, and his face was always set in kind of a daze. Minho would give credit where credit was due, the little boy talked and talked until sleep consumed him.

  Now, with the baby snuggled and asleep in Minho's arms, tiny purrs being released into the air, they were left with an unbearable silence. They had so many things to talk about. Minho was sure he was going to get scolded for making such preposterous promises when he himself didn't know if they were true or not.

  But with this hurt, traumatized, touch-starved kitten he had cuddled up in his arms, Minho would like to believe that he would be his.

  "I'm keeping him."


Minho turned sharply towards his Hyung with an icy glare.

  "No, hyung. He's nine years old, he's traumatized, and he likes me. He needs a home and it will be with me and I don't care what you say. You're not gonna take him from me, Channie-hyung."

  Chan sighed.

  "Honey, I know where you're coming from, I really do. I don't want him on the streets anymore. But we can't afford to take in another kid, we have six already. He can stay until we can find a shelter for him."

  Minho had tears swimming in his eyes. He hated the thought of leaving the poor boy alone, especially when he promised that he could stay with them and he'd never leave him. It would break his heart to see the boy in some shelter and not at home with him.

"We can't leave him alone, hyung. I promised him that he could stay with me and I meant it. Please hyung, please don't make me get rid of him. I'll get a better job, I'll take care of all his needs, but I'm begging you to let him stay."

Whatever Chan was about to say about keeping Felix with them and how it would cause problems, he stopped. Because Minho let his tears fall and sniffled into the boy's blond, matted hair. Minho never cries. He didn't cry when Seungmin broke his picture frame with his college graduation certificate in it, he didn't cry when their parents died and they were left with five kids to take care of.

Minho doesn't cry.

Chan felt like an asshole.

"Oh baby, no, please don't cry. Oh my poor kitten, I'm sorry. We're gonna figure it out, okay? Please don't cry, sweetheart."

  Minho huddled the boy closer to his chest and let out comforting purrs. The kitten purred in return, completely trusting and safe. He was so small, so tiny, so fucking precious. Minho was going to protect him, even if it's the last thing he fucking does. He sniffed and finally found his own comfort in Chan's chest, where he was safe. Felix snuggled closer between them, and Chan kissed his head softly.

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