Old friends, new enemies

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     Minho was lost.

Felix whined and squirmed to get out of Minho's arms, and Minho let him down out of pure curiosity. As far as Minho knew, Felix hasn't met Jeongin yet. Either this kid was some sort of physic or he actually knew Jeongin and Minho has missed it. Jeongin wasn't fairing any better than Minho was, looking equally confused and lost.

Felix was impatiently trying to kick his legs so Minho would put him down faster. Once he was safely on the floor, he dropped to his knees and desperately crawled over to Jeongin. He tried to jump on the bed with desperate whines, hoping to convince Jeongin to pick him up and put him there. Jeongin was still shocked and confused, so it took him a moment before snapping back into reality and yanking the boy onto the bed with him.

Felix immediately started snuggling against his chest, rubbing his cheek all over him and holding him firmly. Jeongin laid frozen, stuck between keeping the kid stable and trying to push him off. Minho walked over and sat beside them. Jeongin was starting to grow irritated by the constant snuggling. He was never one for cuddles and hugs, so it was no surprise that he was getting antsy.

  Jeongin forced the boy off of him, holding his upper arms firmly and forcing the small kitten to look at him. Felix had tears in his eyes, and at the look of agitation on Jeongin, his ears folded back against his head. Jeongin might be angry right now, but Minho could see how his eyes flitted around Felix's body, searching for any visible injuries. Felix whined impatiently and tried to move back in to Jeongin's chest, wanting more cuddles.

Minho would have easily folded, letting the kitten do whatever his little heart desired. But Jeongin held the boy firmly, and made him look at him.

"No, no you look me, Felix! What was my one rule, huh? My only rule for you. What was it?"

Felix's lower lip started to tremble as a tear slid down his flushed little face. He sniffed sadly, his tail curling around his waist in order to self soothe. Minho should have said something about how rough Jeongin was being with someone so fragile, but he didn't. He was undeniably curious on how the baby knew his maknae. And what rule he hadn't followed.

"Innie said to not follow him home, a'cuz innie-innie could hurt too, and das not good."

Minho looked at his Maknae appalled. How dare he say that to a little boy? Minho had definitely raised him better than that, he knows he has. Jeongin shook his head, keeping his firm eyes on Felix's trembling ones, all glassy and teary. Minho stared at the pair. On one hand, Jeongin was being a bit rough with the poor little kitty, holding him firmly and scolding him. On another hand, Felix wasn't trying to run away from him, he was crying, sure, but he wasn't freaking out. He was acting like he was used to being scolded like this.

"No Felix. I said to not follow me home, because you could've gotten hurt. I told you to stay right where you were, and that I would come back. I always come back, so why did you choose to disobey me this time?"

And yeah, okay, Minho was officially lost. But at least it was confirmed that Jeongin wasn't being selfish, and that he was trying to protect Felix other than himself. Minho had no idea what Jeongin actually meant when he said 'I always come back', but he figured he could ask about that later, because as it stands, Felix is still being scolded by what seems to be an honorary older brother, so Minho lets it play out.

  Felix mumbled out an apology, and the first of many tears fall down his starry face.

"I told you I was going to get you a home. I never offered mine because my hyungs have five of us. I fully planned on coming back for you, so I'm confused as to why you disobeyed and came to me. I thought I was very clear about that, so what part did you not understand?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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