The morning after

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Minho wakes up to a baby kitten lying on his chest.

It's about nine in the morning, since his body automatically wakes him up around that time on the daily, and almost time to start making his kids some breakfast. Felix grunts and his hands twitch in his sleep, and Minho gushes at his new-found sleeping habits. Minho may swear in his sleep, and Changbin wouldn't wake up to a plane crash, but nothing beats play fighting in your sleep. That's both adorable and terrifying.

Felix huffs suddenly and quickly changes his position to bury himself into the crook of Minho's neck. Minho brings up a hand to soothe him back to a peaceful sleep, and Felix purrs out of pure instinct at the pleasant pets he's receiving. Minho almost melts into a big, stupid pile of goo. He giggles a bit to himself, immediately taking notice that the boys thumb is still in his mouth. Speaking of mouth, Minho has about seven that need to eat something, so that means he needs to get up.

Without waking the baby up, Minho carefully tucked the boy close and eased out of his bed one limb at a time. He winced at the small whines the boy makes when Minho makes a quick move, but eventually, Minho is standing with a sleeping kitty in his arms. The boy doesn't move, just his little ears twitch and he subconsciously suckles on Minhos shirt. Maybe it'd be a good idea to get him a pacifier.

  Minho makes his way to his closet and rummages around until he finds a baby carrier. It used to be Jeongin's, as it was something their parents had kept purely for the memories. Felix was small enough to fit in the small leg holes, so in no time at all, Felix is placed in the carrier, his stomach against Minhos stomach, and straps keeping him safely in place.

(In case you have no idea what I'm talking about 😭 )

 After Felix is strapped in and safe, Minho takes a second to look at him

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After Felix is strapped in and safe, Minho takes a second to look at him. He doesn't look like the same bloodied, screaming kitten they had met just last night. He was no longer seriously injured, or untrusting, or living on the streets, fighting for his life. Now, he's flushed a sweet little pink, wrapped up in fluffy pajamas and cute little mittens. His ears, and hair and tail are clean, soft and absolutely gorgeous. He's smiling and laughing and he's Minhos.

  He walks out of his room with his baby strapped in and close. His walk to the kitchen isn't a far one, and he runs into Seungmin when he gets there. The pup looks up when he hears Minho enter, but promptly lowers his head and ignores Minhos existence. Minho sighs through his nose. He's aware that he needs to make up with Seungmin, give him a few cuddles and kisses before Seungmin forgives him and goes back to being Minhos favorite little nerd.

  Minho makes sure Felix is settled before walking to the table and is sitting beside the sulking puppy inhabiting the chair beside his own. Minho lays his hand on Seungmins bangs, and feels his heart break a little when the boy shakes him off. Minho hates upsetting his little brothers, and hates it even more when they're close to crying and avoiding him.

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