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Rui's POV
They left me. I once again have no friends and it's all because of a stupid thing I did. Did I deserve that? I didn't mean to hurt them.
Rui sat on the floor, his back against the stage he would've been performing on if he didn't just make everything worse. In an already terrible situation, by the way.

"I messed up. Why did I think it was a good idea? Now Nene is hurt and the other two are mad." He was also mad at himself.

All he did was think that an extra prop would be great for a scene but it crashed down during rehearsals. "Maybe it would have been better if you thought things through"
He heard a familiar voice ring in his head.

"How could you Rui?! Don't even try to apolgise" Another familiar voice. Emu?

"Of course I'm hearing things. This always happens after something goes wrong in my life," He sighed. "My thoughts get the best of me because they sound like people close to me and they tip me over the edge. But I have to keep living, because I know I would regret death. No matter how many times I consider it."

He sat there rambling to himself about his problems for a bit, knowing he could do nothing to help his situation. The others didn't even give him a chance to redeem himself this time..

"Why? Why did they cut contact? I know I hurt her but it obviously wasn't on purpose, it was an honest mistake.." Rui slammed down his head, it hurt from impact but he let it rest on his knees. He felt tears rolling down his face.

"This seems worse than the last time I was like this." He laughed slightly. He wasn't amused but found it funny how he can always make a fool out of himself.

Sitting here suffering would do nothing to help. But he didn't care. He had nothing to care about after today. Rui already hated himself..

Later that day

Rui was only just leaving the Wonder Stage. He would have left earlier but during his mini vent to himself he passed out. That was a reminder that he hadn't slept for the past week. Or at least not properly.

That's probably what led up to his new mistake. His sleep deprivation stopped him from thinking things through or something like that.
"No that just sounds ridiculous doesn't it?" He whispered as he picked up his bag and started walking home, staring at his phone. Pictures of Wonderlands x Showtime all together. Happy..?

Rui saw that everyone else looked happy, but his smile in that photo looked forced. What had he been doing to himself lately?

"Stop staring at the picture Rui, you'll only make yourself feel worse.." Nene's voice. This was pure torture especially watching her getting hurt by that prop. He froze in that moment so he couldn't sacrifice himself.

"It's your fault, it's your fault. IT'S YOUR FAULT RUI, YOU BETTER UNDERSTAND." He yelled, talking to himself. Receiving strange looks from people passing by. Wasn't that humiliating? Just what he needed after the events of that day.

Rui started to run. He couldn't stop himself. He was too embarrassed to stop and look at the members of public who probably thought he was crazy. Tears kept coming as he kept running, that was until he got to his house.

At his house
He finally reached where he needed to be and locked himself in his room.

"Why go anyway when you can just trap yourself in a familiar place? That makes sense right?" It did to him but he didn't want to say that to people he sees.

That's when he came to the realisation that he had to go to school, but then another voice was heard, it was the first one he heard earlier..

"Hang your head in shame Rui, you burnt out and died before your precious star, how pathetic."

"I KNOW I'M PATHETIC BUT I CAN'T FUCKING HELP IT. OKAY?" Rui screamed, hoping he isn't heard.

The voice sounded like Tsukasa but the things it said, his friend, wait no ex-friend wouldn't say anything like that would he?

These voices made him feel pain that he only experiences when at his worst.

Because they are of people he thought liked him.

But obviously Rui Kamishiro is destined to be alone..

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