Shadows of my Past..?

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Rui's POV
I've passed out again. Does that count as sleep? It must do because I wasn't awake. That's logic, right? "Who cares, as long as I don't see Tsukasa in school, I should be fine today."
Rui dragged himself out of bed, unmotivated and feeling like shit. His thoughts wouldn't stop spiralling around his head ever since last night. About the mistakes he had made and how much he had hurt his star, Tsukasa. But of course, he couldn't call him that anymore. Tsukasa can't be his star if he's left, huh?

The purple haired boy fell asleep in his uniform so getting changed wasn't an issue, so he decided to freshen up a bit and head out. His hair was a mess and he didn't eat before leaving but he didn't care. He would prefer to starve right now as the feelings made him feel nauseous while in the kitchen.

He shut the front door and started walking, he had time to do so today and didn't feel great so the bus wasn't an option. That transport device could be very overwhelming sometimes.

The boy continued to walk down the path trying to not shut his eyes as he was exhausted. That's when he saw someone. Someone extremely familiar. "My star.." He ran after the sight of Tsukasa only to figure out that he was imagining it all.

"Great, I'm going crazy. I haven't had moments where I have hallucinations in a while.."

"Oh Rui, look up ahead.." Tsukasa's voice came up in his mind again. Rui looked up, and saw more. Except Emu was there this time..and she was crying..?

"Stop it. Stop making me see this. I don't know what you want from me but FUCKING STOP IT." He went from whispering to yelling in an instant. He didn't even know who he was yelling at. Himself? No. The voice haunting his mind.

Clutching onto his bag strap, his grip got tighter and tighter as he continued to walk. "Just keep walking Rui, but don't look up. If you look up you'll see the visions again."

"You can't avoid seeing what you know you have to, Rui~" The voice was there again.

"FUCK OFF. I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU." Rui screamed, he probably looked like a madman to the other students and other random people passing by.

"Why should I go away? I'm here to help." Those last words remained in Rui's mind. Help? Trying to put him down, making him feel worse. That's not helping.

"You're not helping. What do you think helping is?!" He stopped in his tracks waiting to hear the whispers again.

"I never said I'm here to help you..I'm here to help everyone that you have ever damaged with your ideas and comments."

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. GO TO SOMEWHERE ELSE, I DON'T WANT YOU HERE." He considered turning around and going back home. Enough has happened already and he hasn't even gotten to school.

Rui was still looking at the ground, he didn't want to know what vision comes next.

"Awhh, do you not want more time with your star darling?"

"You're not my star. You're lying. Go. Away." Rui mumurmed.

"I am. You're the one lying, you're an untrustworthy bitch Rui Kamishiro." The voice continued.

Small time skip to when he's at school.
Rui finally reached the school gate. He ended up being later than he wanted to be but that wasn't his fault.

Well at least he's blaming it on the voice and visions. It probably was his fault. Everything is his fault.

He still hasn't looked up since he was afraid. Scared of seeing anything else. He was already breaking down, he doesn't need anything else.

The tall purple boy continued to walk through the hallway to his class. "They're looking at me are they? It's quite clear and I don't need to see them do it."

It was true, every other student in the hallway was looking at him. The boy with his head that was pointed towards the floor with scruffy hair and tears running down his face.

"I just need to get to class, stop staring. There is no need for you to stare just because I'm upset."

A random student whispered to his friend, probably talking about Rui talking to himself. Because that's considered weird. They have most likely figured out that he's mentally insane. He made that quite clear.

"Oh Rui~ I have a new thing to say." Tsukasa. Well the voice that sounded like him, it wasn't him.

"What do you want? I'm not particularly interested, but maybe I can shut you up." Rui responded to the voice.

"Oh nothing, just look up. I'm not tricking you into a vision this time."

Rui's head rose to check what the voice was talking about.

Tenma. Tsukasa Tenma. The real one right in front of him.

"I'm going to be sick. I hate you." Rui started to speed up, he wasn't planning on going the way that took him near the blonde in front of him but he ended up shoving through Tsukasa's group avoiding eye contact.

"Just look at your star. Look how happy he looks. Maybe he realised that he doesn't need you after all.."
That hurt. Those words. They fucking hurt.

"You're horrible. Did you know that?" Rui questioned.

"I'm only here to tell the truth, dear~"

"Don't call me that." That's when Rui went silent. He had nothing else to say. He just went to the bathroom to avoid seeing anyone else.

He now has a new rule for life. Don't look up.

Above where he could see, there were his regrets. His worst mistakes..

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