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Rui stayed in the bathroom cubicle for the whole of first lesson. He was surprised that he wasn't being looked for knowing he didn't turn up for class. That's normally what happens. He should know, there's been many times when he's hidden away.

Ran away from his problems.

That way no one ever saw him at his worse, it got him in trouble but he avoided humiliation at least.

Then the bell rang. "I was actually here all lesson, new record I guess." He said as he walked towards a mirror. The one time he looks up and he just sees who he used to be. A boy with messy hair, who looks tired and wanted to end it all at one point.

"I really do look like crap, I get why people were staring now." Rui knew people were actually staring at him because of how he was talking to the voice. He wasn't stupid.

"Ohh Ruiii~" The voice was starting to hurt his head. He knew it was Tsukasa's but it gave him more of headache than his old troupe leader ever did.

"Fuck off. I don't care for anything you are about to say."

"Now now, don't be so mean my dear alchemist~"

"You don't deserve my time or kindness. Go away." Rui couldn't take anything else from that echo in his mind.

He started to walk towards the door, looking out to see if anyone he knew well was there. No one. That felt nicer, he couldn't be seen. Especially not after crashing into Tsukasa's group earlier.

"Keep your head down, Kamishiro. Don't look up, you'll regret it." He kept telling himself. He had seen enough today so looking at the floor was his only option.

Walking to his next class, he bumped into someone on accident. He had no choice but to look at who it was so he could apologise. "Mizuki..? You're here early.." The purple haired boy questioned why his friend was already here, they normally came during the middle of the day, or not at all.

"Yeahhh, but I was bored at home. I'm glad I bumped into you though, I couldn't find a familiar face anywhere, not even Akito.." His friend explained.

"Wow..that's surprising.." He replied.

That's when Mizuki expression turned into one of concern.
"Is everything alright, Rui. You're not very talkative today..? Speaking of talkative people, where's Tsukasa actually? You're normally attached to each other."

Rui felt the sick feeling return to him.
"I have to go..I'll see you another time. I'm sorry, Mizuki."

He walked away without looking back at his friend. Why did they have to mention him. Did he really seem that incomplete without a loud blonde by his side..?

When he got to next lesson he went straight to his seat and started drawing something in his notebook. Of course, he was stared at and asked about where he was last lesson.

"Private matters. Now please, go away." He didn't want to answer them. His problem was the least of their concern.

All the ideas and rumours about where he was spread around the room. From one student to the next. They were all making theories about why he wasn't "feeling right".

"They're all talking about you, Rui. Aren't you happy? Getting attention.."
Tsukasa's voice had returned.

"Why would I be happy? They are making up bullshit rumours about me." Rui said, keeping his voice down.

"Well, you hate being alone..do you not? Now you're not, everyone knows about you." The voice carried on talking.

"I didn't want for it to be like this..I wanted to be seen for my shows, not my disappearance."

He went back to drawing, ignoring whatever the voice said next but heard something.

"I heard that he lost Tsukasa. Must be a shame..losing the one he called 'his star'. Guess he doesn't have anything at all.."
How did they know?! Who has been spreading his stuff around the school?!

"Shut up." It was all he could say in response, he didn't want to confirm that they got it right.

"What did you say, Kamishiro?" It was the same person who brought up Tsukasa that said this.

Rui didn't respond so his classmates went back to their conversation.
"Yeah, I heard about that as well. I heard that Nene Kusanagi is in the hospital too. Was that also him..?"

"Shut up. Stop talking about me." He muttered. God, he wished that he could hit them.

"Could you repeat that Rui, we couldn't hear you haha." A new person piped up this time.

"Fine. I said SHUT UP. STOP TALKING ABOUT ME, AND STAY OUT OF MY SITUATION." He screamed, clearly angry at his classmates.

As much as he shouldn't miss another lesson, he stormed out the room. Rui couldn't stay in there.

"I didn't know you had it in you to scream like that, darling..!" And now the voice had been unmuted, how lovely.

"I thought I told you to stop with the names. If you must talk to me just call me Rui."

"Oh I do apologise. I didn't know who I was talking to, have I lost my manners..?" 'Tsukasa' responded mockingly.

"CLEARLY YOU HAVE. NOW GET LOST." Rui yelled again.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. But I can say more to you."

"I'd prefer it if you kept to yourself. Just because you live in my mind, it doesn't mean you have to voice everything you think of." Rui kept walking away from his class.

"Awh, well I thought it would be fun for you to hear this," The voice couldn't keep anything out of Rui's head. "You've gone crazy, Kamishiro. All because of some people that will probably succeed without you."

Rui sat down against a wall and looked into the distance, seeing a stage. And there was Tsukasa, smiling. But no one else was there by his side..

"Stop this madness. PLEASE."

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. All I can do is recommend that you stay hidden..especially after that scene in the classroom."

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