Memories I want to Lose.

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Rui stayed outside, against the same wall for a while. Thinking about how everything he had done, added up to this moment. Now he was alone again.
"I have a feeling most lessons will end like this..I might just fake sick and go home." He got up of the floor, technically he wasn't faking but he hasn't actually 'been sick' so it wouldn't work if he didn't lie.

Walking to the nurses office he came across some of the people Tsukasa has been spending his time around and he heard their whispers. About him.

He just walked away, resisting every urge he had to punch them knowing they were "friends" with someone who used to be so special to him. Someone who he considered a shining star compared to whatever he was meant to be.

A wreck. A mess. Someone who didn't deserve a life. Was that what he was? Because he never stops thinking about what he's like in comparison to others, especially those who used to see him as a friend. But he threw away everything over some stupid prop idea for a show that was already going to shit because of the way he planned it. Maybe he shouldn't be trusted with any responsibility at all.

He got to the nurses office, talking to himself underneath his breath before knocking and explaining his "sickness". Which the nurse believed so he was excused from the school premise. If anything he was mentally sick, not physically.

Leaving the school gate, he heard the voice again but decided to ignore it just wanting to get home. When there, he went straight to his room and cried. Seeing his old show outfit on the wall made him angry at himself so he stood up from where he was have a moment and ripped it down and threw it out the room, not wanting to see any trace of memory of what happened that day. That was the outfit he caused everything in.. And it was one of the only memories he had left of that group. Except Robo Nene.

He caught a glance of Robo Nene across the room, she was returned to him knowing that Nene's in the hospital. It wouldn't hurt to dismantle her right? What would happen exactly.. Nene doesn't need her right now. And Rui didn't want to see her.

The purple teenager stayed up for hours, all night in fact, until Robo Nene was in pieces. She looked like how she did when she was first being built. It satisfied him on slightly, it hurt to do that but he doesn't have a group. They disbanded because of him.. He knew he was at fault.

"My dear dear Rui.." The voice rang in his head, it hurt more than usual, "Why did you do that? I know you will regret it.."

"I don't care, whatever you are."

"You can call me Tsukasa silly~"

Rui shook his head, refusing. "I'm not calling you that, you don't deserve that name."

"And he does? You still think he deserves for you to even use his name? He ruined your life and you still like him? How pathetic."

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"I am just voicing your regrets, that's all I am your feelings of regret and guilt. You sent your own sister to the hospital.. Always remember that~!"

Rui tried ignoring the voice but he just got louder and louder. The feeling of pain that it remained Tsukasa's voice was horrible. "Just let me forget it all. If I forget does that get rid of you?"

"In some ways I guess so.. But how can you forget that.. She's your sister. And he was your star."

Rui sighed, "What about Emu? I don't want her to be the only one I forget or remember."

"Ah yes, Emu.. You could easily forget her.. Or remember that you injured her partner. She hasn't smiled in weeks because of you."

He couldn't take it any longer, he stopped listening. He refused to believe anything this stupid voice said. How would he know?! He was just a voice. Nothing else..

"I'll just forget them all.. I'm sorry you three."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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