Writing my own story; The academy exam, phase 3

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It was Monday and Remi summon all of her students to a meeting, of course, she was still under the effects of that "sting" but she couldn't say anything, the meeting was short, she explained the third and last phase of the exam

-hello guys, I hope you're doing well -she said- I'm going to keep it short for everyone in here; as you can see, I'm not in the best condition, but I'm going to make my best effort to be with you all on Friday for the last phase. Speaking of that, I'm going to explain how the last phase will work... *man I really feel dizzy* sorry for that guys

(author note: this "*" will mean that the conversation is going on their mind)

-are you ok, Remi-sensei? -asked Melanie kinda worried
-yes, I'm fine *clears her throat* the last phase of the exam will consist in three parts: ninjutsu, taijutsu and genjutsu, this part won't be as hard as the previous ones, but of course, specialists on every area will keep an eye on everyone, you only need two out of three parts to complete the exam
-*two out of three?!* -thought Mathew- *my taijutsu is good... but what about genjutsu, Even my ninjutsu is too weak... I can't use a basic fire jutsu*
-*cough* I need to go to the doctor, ummm... I'm allowed to tell you all how will work the exam, in the genjutsu part you'll be under the effects of one and you have to break it, in the taijutsu part you'll be in a fight with another person... and in the ninjutsu part you'll need to do a jutsu that will be revealed by the sensei in charge of that part
-I bet will be a clone jutsu -whispered Zev to his brother but Mathew was in the clouds- hey... bro? Are you ok?
-ah! Yeah I'm fine
-ok guys, I have nothing left to say, I'm wishing you the best luck in the world, I know you'll pass
-ummm Remi-sensei
-oh! Yeah miss Hyuga?
-you'll be in the exam?
-as I said, I'll do my best I'm kinda sick, you know, the flu
-oh... yeah, sure
-hey Hiroko-Chan -replied seniji- take it easy, is our sensei, of course she'll be there
-*nods* you're right seniji-kun
-what? -asked Inoko- are you worried because your relative won't be supporting you in the exam?
-huh?! What are you talking about?!
-nothing, I'm just making my conclusions
-you *activates byakugan* come and say it in my face
-*gets up* I will!
-miss Hyuga, miss Yamanaka sit down *activates byakugan* now!

Then the two sat down; the relation between Inoko and Hiroko wasn't the best, it was a constant fight in the classroom, maybe in the exam seemed like they trust each other, but the only reason neither the daughter of the Yamanaka nor the daughter of the Hyuga fought it was because they were under the pressure of the time

-*deactivate her byakugan* thank you two for your cooperation, if there is no question remaining, you can leave now, take a rest and get prepared

After that everyone left the academy and went to their house to rest a bit and the next day start their workouts

-uh? Melanie-Chan, over there are the training camps
-huh? Oh, yeah sorry guys, but my uncle insisted that I start training right now
-as I expected about my rival -replied Inoko- then I'm going to start now too
-what are you going to do Shikai?
-huh? *yawns* I don't want to start now, you can go Chou, but I'm going to take a rest
-oh... well I wasn't going to start anyway, let's go for some barbecue
-incredible idea, what do you think guys?
-oh *her stomach starts to rumble*
-hehe, go and eat Inoko-Chan, I'll be fine
-agh, fine, the social pressure!
-count on me and manjiro, are you coming too seniji?
-of course, let's go Hiroko-Chan
-but I'm not going to sit next to Inoko
-tsk, spoiled girl
-what did you said?
-nothing nothing, let's try not to ruin the meal
-*grabs Mathew's arm* let's go! Huh? Mathew?
-huh? I'm sorry guys, go without me
-hey bro, go ahead
-Zev are you coming?!
-*smiles* if something happens you can call me *hugs him* I'll be always near ok?
-yeah yeah you don't have to be so cheesy
-see ya later, don't do anything stupid!
-I won't

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