Mission zero: catch the bells!

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Three days had been passed since the pre-gennin exam, only 21 students became ninja that day! So, the hokage herself chose the jonin that will make them improve, and when she say the best of the best, is literally the best of the best

It was morning and Katsuki, Kenji and Ryan were walking down the hall towards the principal's office to find out who their students would be.

-is it necessary to make us came here so early? -questioned Katsuki
-are you complaining? -asked Kenji
-is not a little early to have that grumpy face, iron hand?
-I'm not grumpy and don't call me like that! -shouted kenji while he was crossing his arms
-you don't have to be so rude with Katsuki-san -added Ryan that was playing a video game at his portable console -besides she's right Kenji-san... yes! 300 points!
-you have to shut your game down, this is something really important!
-you don't have to be so rude Kenji -complained Katsuki
-don't worry Katsuki-San -he calmed Katsuki and put down his game console- by the way, where is Mai-san? -asked Ryan
-I'm not sure she should be nearby

After Katsuki ended her sentence a woman with a ponytail attacked her from behind, she was wearing a green jumpsuit under her jonin jacket, her eyes suits her style, big and black eyes, but you can feel the passion she has with only a look

-KATSUKI-CHAN! -she shouted while she was hugging her- QUICK YOUR PACE! THE POWER OF THE YOUTH IS WAITNG FOR US!
-you don't have to shout Mai-san- snorted Kenji
-it seems that someone got up on the wrong side of the bed, Kenji-kun! -added Mai with a smile from ear to ear- this should be exciting!
-hehe, it seems that you're really excited -affirmed Ryan
-of course! -she screamed hugging Ryan with her left arm -it's time to pass the power of the youth to the next generation!
-hehe, you're right -added Katsuki- but we have to run. We're a little late

After that, everyone quickened their pace. They are known as the last prodigy generation, that's because in the exam basically all of them passed with honor; Might Mai, the oldest of the four, but with a heart of a teenager, her control of chakra is exceptional, however she prefers to use taijutsu, like I said, her eyes emanate a determination and passion for what she loves; Katsuki Senju, the eldest sister of them, with her wooden style, that she inherited form Hashirama, she takes care of everyone with her wood shield; when you make visual contact with her, you can feel that mother soul, that heat that only a mother can give, that's her; Kenji Sarutobi, son of the Sarutobi family, he can control three elements, but not because of his blood, but also because the hours of training he underwent; he's the most exigent person in the village, but that only reflexes his discipline and mental force, his heterochromia on his eyes shows that authority that characterizes him, but also makes you feel threatened and at the same time like if you could tell him anything; Ryan Ortiz, he's a really mysterious man; he arrived to the village from out of nowhere. Some people say that he deserted from a criminal group, other people say that he was a prisoner that escaped, he was the center of the questions in the village, but his mysterious past didn't stop him of being the best of the academy, his combination of chakra makes him a really strong man, but there's people that say that he's hiding his truly potential. At first, his eyes show a person who went through a lot of things on his life, but that emerald green shows that he didn't give up that easily, and somehow, he found the way to continue.

-Ok -Katsuki broke the silence -here we are
-Hohoho! I'm so excited! -shouted Mai
-You don't have to scream -said Kenji a little bit annoyed -hey Ryan, are you going to say something?
-heh, nothing left to say- then he showed a confident smile- let's do this

Then everyone entered inside the room, so they can know which team they will be taking care of.

A week passed, and, as usual, Mathew and Zev were against the clock, Zev fighting with his brother because he didn't found his jacket, and Mathew complaining because of his brother rush

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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