Writing from the heart; the academy exam, phase 1

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It was a cloudy morning in Konoha, usually Mathew wouldn't get out of the bed, but today was the most important day in their teen life and Zev won't let him on the bed... not today

-Mathew, are you ready?!
-you don't have to scream, I'm coming
-No you're not, come on! Did you study?
-what do you think?
-you didn't
-well... I tried but then I said "is common sense"
-it is not common sense!
-Come on, you can complain in the road

Then both run to the academy, you might be asking "what they're talking about?" Let me explain:
Since the seventh hokage, Naruto Uzumaki, they implemented a new system of graduation for the students of the academy in konoha, but the other kages are trying to implement this system, it consist in an exam of three parts, the first one evaluate their knowledge with a written exam, second evaluate their stamina with a physical exam and third one evaluate their levels in taijutsu, genjutsu, and ninjutsu, but it's not that easy, every part depend on the other one, if you don't score the enough points in the first part, you can't go to the second phase, so, you're forced to wait until the beginning of the next year and present the exam again, if you don't hit it again, you're forced to start again the last year of the academy, if you lose the first phase, you have to make the whole year, if you pass to the second stage but can't make it to the third phase, you only need to make half of the year, and if you pass to the third stage, but didn't pass, you only need to make a quarter of the year (the last four months)

It was an initiative of the second hokage, Tobitama Senju, but thanks to some issues inside and outside the village, they can't wait to make the exam since the only evaluation takes three weeks, and the results from three to five weeks, but they couldn't order in quality if not in quantity. Thanks to the time of peace that the great nations are experiencing, they can think about quality.

Zev was complaining about how Mathew could prepare himself for the exam, but Mathew was thinking in another things, he was really excited about taking the exam, the shinobi who graduated under this system say that it's very hard, they said that from a class of twenty students only fifteen passed to the second round,until that from those fifteen, only eight students became shinobi that day, he was excited

-don't worry Zev -he said- I'm going to pass the first stage, I know that
-hmph -answered- let's see how many will fail, they say that the written exam has a tricky question, you must pay attention
-yes yes, you don't need to be so overprotective *pick up the pace* come on! You're leaving behind
-don't run!

Then they went to their classroom as usual, waiting for the exam

-Did you studied Hiroko-Chan?
-yes, my mother kept me awake for almost three in the morning with her exam, I know it from start to end
-me too, I can't sleep well, and you Ken?
-when I was studying I fell asleep four times until I didn't wake up more, *sighs* I'm not sure if I'm ready
-morning guys!
-oh, good morning Mathew-Kun, did you sleep?
-he slept a lot -added Zev- he didn't studied
-You didn't what?! -exclaimed Seniji- do you need any help?
-calm down Seniji -said Mathew- I'll be fine *whispers at Zev* you didn't need to say that
-it's the truth
-hey guys! How is everybody?
-Chou, Shikai -said ken- how are you? Are you ready for the exam?
-it's a drag *yawns* but I studied all day with Chou
-yes, I don't know how to learn a whole day in a year
-ummm, you mean a whole year in a day
-*yawns* exactly
-and Inoko?
-she is coming with Melanie, they should be here in any minute
-*smashes the door* I won!
-*yawns* we weren't making a competition Inoko-Chan
-shut up rival! I won
-hey, don't waste your energy, you'll need that for the exam
-heh *drinks coffee* with this I have the energy of the ten tails, I'm unstoppable!
-it seems somebody it's excited, morning Melanie -Chan, Inoko
-morning Zev, and yes! I'm excited, but with a lot of energy!
-good morning Zev-kun, did you sleep?
-kinda *yawns* it was hard, and you?
-me too, it was hard... good morning Mathew-kun, did you studied?
-what do you care?
-he didn't
-Shut up Zev!
-do you need help?
-I don't need help, because uhh *grabs seniji* Seniji will help me to study
-*blushes* uhh, but I thought
-what is that?! You're going to help?! Awesome let's go and study in that place where Melanie of course won't interrupt
-ok... I guess
-forgive him, he is just stressed because of the exam
-hey, calm down, if he doesn't want my help I can't do a lot, I'll study a little bit more, are you coming, Zev-kun?
-*sighs* if you say so, let's go

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