"𝐰𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝."

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don't forget somewhere between hello and goodbye, there was love, so much love.❞



March 14th, 1995

ANXIETY was taking over Quinn's head as she sat criss-cross on the bathroom floor letting her mind race and the silence of the room consume her -- but she knew she couldn't sit there on that floor forever.

"Come on, Quinn...you can do this."

Quinn puffed out a small breath and found herself pushing herself off the floor and letting her legs hold her down as looked down at the white pregnancy test before her that had two blue lines presenting itself to her which made her silently gasp and slowly cover her mouth.

Quinn shook her head in disbelief and used her free hand to grab the pregnancy test and raise it closer to her and let her big brown eyes stare at the two lines that were about to change her life forever which made her let out a small laugh as she felt a tear run down her cheek.

Just when Quinn was about to have another thought, she was interrupted by the sound of footsteps which made her pause for a moment and know exactly who was coming upstairs causing her to clear her throat and take the pregnancy test and slide it into her back pocket.



Quinn bit her bottom lip in an attempt to hide her joy as she watched the handsome dirty blond haired man she married step into view, upon seeing each other, they both got the warm feeling in their chest they always got when their eyes met along with the longing smiles.

Wesley wasted no time in meeting Quinn at the entrance of the bathroom and wrapped her up in his warm embrace and muscular arms and let herself smile wide as she gave his Versace scented cologne button up a whiff before speaking out lowly.

"Wes, I need to talk to you."

"Is everything okay?"

Quinn nodded and let her smile grow even wider -- almost making her cheeks hurt -- and quickly whipped the test out from behind her back which made Wesley's eyes grow wide as he let out a small laugh in disbelief.

"A-A pregnancy test? Is that why you've been feeling sick?"

"Yeah...I don't know how far along I am yet, but--"

Before Quinn could finish speaking, her words were a thing of the past as it was easily replaced with the sound of her squealing as Wesley picked her up and spinned her around with nothing but excitement coursing throughout her just as he put her back down gently and let her bare feet touch the cool tile once again.

"We're having a baby..."

"We're having a baby."

Wesley laughed softly with Quinn and cupped her cheeks and let his lips meet hers and let their lips move perfectly against each other in perfect harmony while the rest of the world around them seemed to fade away -- up until they pulled away from the kiss to catch their breaths.

"God, I love you, Quinn."

"I love you too, Wes..." Quinn whispered out as she let out a laugh followed by a surprise sob which made Wesley rub her cheeks with his thumb to make her look him in the eyes which made her shake her head and speak out softly. "You're gonna be a great dad."

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