Multislacker x Reader(Fluff!)

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I had to use this pic because I found it very cute :) also it's not mine

This was requested by @KochiyaSanaeee srry its not a fluff+smut idk how to write a smut yet

Anyway let's get into the chapter!


Y/N's P.O.V.

I recently heard that the VP had a son named Multislacker, I got curios and went to the location Multislacker was, I didn't tell my friends because, well, I am a new toon and I don't really have any strong gags and if I told my friends I was going to fight something stronger than me, they would go with me, not letting me train on my own.

After walking up a long flight of stairs I finally made it up to a room, I looked around and saw another door, I walked through the door and came into a room that had a bunch of tv's. I saw a chair facing a wall of tv's and I saw someone sitting in the chair

I stood behind in the middle of the room looking at the chair and tv's. Suddenly the tv's went static and stopped working

"Oh dang it not again"

The chair spun around and I saw that a cog was sitting in it, I saw a hat on his head that said 'Jr. VP', this must be the VP's son Multislacker

"Oh a toon, I didn't hear you come in"

~After all the talking~

I was half-listening to what he was saying i was just admiring the way he looked, he was so adorable! I don't know how he's the VP's son so looks so cute!

"he's to cute" i didn't know I said what i was thinking

"Oh thank you, I have never been called cute before, I guess you're the first" He said

"O-oh! I'm sorry, i didn't mean to say that out loud" I said blushing

"It's alright uh"

"Y/N, my name is Y/N" I replied

"Y/N, what a nice name" He said. I smiled

"Thank you"

Multislacker's P.O.V.

Y/N was a very cute toon, I never met anyone like her before in my life, the only toons that come here just want to fight me, they never seem to care about how I feel.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt something on my forehead, I looked up and saw Y/N kissing my forehead. I blushed not really expecting that, so I just hugged her, I felt her hug back and I smiled. 

I heard Y/N yawn, I picked her up and carried her bridal style and walked to my room which wasn't very far walk, just the next room beside my tv room. I opened the door and walked to my bed and lay Y/N on the bed, she was already asleep, she looked so peaceful sleeping

I lay down next to her and wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me basically hugging her in a protective manner and I started to fall asleep

I finally found a lover to love and care for


Please request more guys ;-; I really like writing the oneshot book for you guys, the only request I have left is Yander!Rainmaker x Reader that was request by my sister and that's the final yander request I'm taking for this one-shot book

But I hoped that you enjoyed this chapter,have a great day,stay safe and i'll see you in the next chapter, bye!

Word count: 555

Toontown Corporate Clash x reader oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now