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~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hello! I just wanted to thank you for reading this! It means a lot to me. <3



You were woken by movements, but your eyes didn't want to open. You were too tired to care. You a scent you weren't used too. Her. After a while you opened your eyes, the first thing you saw was a book. Everything was still a little blurry, though you knew it was your lady, she was reading. You were still on top of her, the only difference was she was sitting up with you on her lap.

"Did you sleep well, dear?" A soft voice spoke, it was lady Dimitrescu. You gave her a small nod but you couldn't stop thinking about last night. A small shiver went through your body and your lady noticed.

"Is everything okay?" she asked while she raised an eyebrow. You turned to look at her. "Yes, don't worry about it." you answered. You couldn't really blame it on that you were cold, the weather had become warmer over the days you've been here. "If something is bothering you, I'll always listen" she then closed the book and placed it on the nightstand that stood next to the bed.

You leaned back on your ladys body, feeling exhausted. She put her arms around you and her touch made you blush a little. "Someone's still tired, huh?" Her voice filled the quiet. You only let out a small mumble. She started to giggle.

"How's your wrist?" she asked as she carefully grabbed the injuired part to take off the bandages. You could obviously see the cut, but it didn't hurt as much as you thought it would. 'Maybe it's because I'm not fully awake' you think for yourself.

"Are you able to work?" She then said. You turned around to look at her. "I can try." You answered and she did a slight nod. You never thought of how beautiful she was. You started to zone out still looking into her golden eyes, you felt trapped. A smile started to form on your face without you noticing.

"Oh? Someone's daydreaming..." She teased.
You felt a hand cup your cheek.
"Uh-! S-sorry! My l-lady.." you stammered. She gave you a small chuckle and gently lifted you up from her lap and placed you down on the floor. She got up herself and she gave you your outfit and she went to the bathroom and locked once again. You changed into your black dress, apron and your shoes with white socks.

She came out with the dress she was always wearing. She went to her desk and started to write on a piece of paper. "I have some new tasks for you." She then turned to you and held the paper in her hand. You walked up to her and she gave you the piece of paper and you started to read.

"Tasks for today:

- Make breakfast

- Fold the laundry

- Clean the kitchen

- Make dinner"

You looked up at her and then at the clock. "Breakfast should be ready 08:30" You nod, it was 7 at the time. You said your goodbye and left the room. You rushed to the kitchen, you didn't see anyone on your way there, it was a terrifying silence. The mornings were scary.

When you entered the kitchen you started with cooking some pancakes for lady Dimitrescu and her daughters.

While you made them another maiden walked in. "Hello, sorry to keep you waiting!" A young womans voice said. You turned to look at her. She was blond and a little shorter than you. "Oh, dont worry about it." You gave her a soft smile but quickly went back to continue on the pancakes. The other woman started to help you, cutting some berries for them.

Your lady~ (Female x Lady Dimitrescu)Where stories live. Discover now