The Castle

397 12 1

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



⚠️Again none of these character are mine, they belong to Capcom⚠️


Your now standing in front of the castle's enrance. You swallowed har before you knocked. But no one opened. After 3 attempts you were still stood outside, so you walked in and you got met by a painting with 3 young women on it. You walked up to the painted canvas. There was a small sign. "Three Daughters Bela, Cassandra and Daniela." you read out loud.

"Y/N L/N?" A voice called your name, making you jump. You turned your head. You see a young woman standing at a door. You guessed it was a maid that's been expecting you. "Y-yes that's me!" you stammered as you turned around fully. She made a gesture for you to follow her. After walking for a while you asked quietly "What's your name..?". You didn't think she heard you but she stopped and turned towards you with a warm smile on her face. "My name is Amelia." she said and then continued walking. "It's nice meeting you Amelia." you said with a small smile on your face.

You were now standing in front of the door to her study. Amelia left to do her assigned chores. You knocked softly on the door. "Come in!" a voice said, you knew it was the same voice from yesterday. You opened the door, walking in slowly. You were met by a tall lady, you guessed 9 feet at least. She had a long white dress with black gloves with a necklace around her neck. She also had a black sunhat. She walked towards you as she stared you up and down. She was stood in front of you as she bent down lifting your chin to get a better look at your face. Her eyes were a golden yellow color and her lips were a crimson red. "I see you've changed your mind." she continued, you couldn't speak, something stopped you. You stared at the figure standing right in front of you. "Can't speak? You had no trouble yesterday..." she murmured in a low tone. "I-I'm sorry!" you stammered. She looked at you having a slight smile on her face as she chuckled. "There's nothing to apologize for dear." she said while walking to her desk getting something from her drawer. "Follow me" She said. When she was going to leave the room she bent down to get through the door, a smile appeard on your face while you tried to hold in your laugh.

You and the tall lady walked through hallways and more hallways, it was hard keeping up because of her large footsteps. You were almost out of breath when you finally got to a room. "You'll be staying in here." she handed you a key. "There's an outfit for you to put on, I'll ask one of the other maids to give you a tour around the castle." she continued. You nodded and went inside, before you could close the door you heard the lady stammer "How awful of me! My name is Lady Dimitrescu, but for you my dear you will refer me as your lady" you nodded. She gave you a warm smile before she turned around and starting to walk. You closed the door to change into your new outfit that was placed on a chair. It was a black dress with a white apron, you then put on the black shoes with white socks under. Lastly you put on a headband. Before you left you looked around the room. There was a bed with a nightstand, a wardrobe, a mirror and a desk, it was quite small. Though there was a bathroom connected to the room, which was kind of nice.

You opened the door to see Amelia waiting for you, she greeted you with a warm smile. She started to give you a tour around the whole castle, or more of the necessary parts. "Don't worry if you forget some of the rooms and halls." She said after "It's only your first day." she smiled. "Oh! Look at the time, it's time to make dinner!" She started to walk faster grabbing your wrist, dragging you with her.

You and Amelia arrived to the kitchen faster than you expected. You saw 3 other maids there, but none of them said a word to you except Amelia. "You can help me with the steak" she said and you did a quick nod. While you 2 made the steak the one maids made the sauce, the other one did the baked potatos and the last one went down to the basement to get som wine. Amelia never showed you the basement. Maybe she just forgot. You shrugged it off.

After all the food pieces were done it was time to put them on the plates. You thought that lady Dimitrescu was the only one that lived there but when it was time to hand out the meal you saw 3 younger females sitting at the long dining table. They had a black dress with a hood on. You took 2 plates while another maid took the other 2. When you walked out of the kitchen the 3 women locked their eyes on you. It felt like you were going to throw up at this point. "Oh! I forgot to inform you about my daughters.." she said and looked at you. 'Daughters?' you thought to yourself, not paying attention as you almost went past the table. You made a quick turn and placed down the meal to your lady and to one of her daughters. "This is Bela, Cassandra and Daniela." She said pointing at them when she said their names. "It's nice meeting you all.." You said quietly. You remember the names at the paintings. "Is there something wrong?" Your lady asked a bit worried. You looked at her. "N-no! I'm sorry. I just zoned out" you said and let out a nervous laugh. You quickly went over to where the others were standing.

"You did great" you heard Amelia whispering to you. You looked over and gave her a smile then looking back at your lady. Even though you didn't think that that went well. But why did her daughters look so different from the painting at the entrance? You zoned out thinking about it. You felt something give you a small nudge on your arm, taking you back to reality, it was Amelia. "Y/N?" you quickly looked up to see that they were finished with their meal. "Your supposed to take the dishes" Amelia whispered. You saw how the other maid was already on her way in to the kitchen with 2 of the plates so you quickly grabbed the last plates and almost sprinted to the kitchen. The 3 other maidens were walking behind you. "Who's cleaning the dishes?" one of the maidens asked. You felt 3 pairs of eyes looking at you and Amelia offered to help you but you wanted to do it by yourself.

The maids left and you were now alone in the kitchen. After washing the plates you heard a voice coming from the opening. You raised your head up as you saw one of the daughters. You didn't know which one of them it was but she came closer to you having a sickle in her hand. She grabbed one of your arms and made a cut on your wrist, blood came out of the cut and you started to panic. She took a deep breath through her nose. "Mmm, blood." She hummed in satisfaction. You weren't good at dealing with pain, it didn't take long before tears almost started to form. "What are you doing to her!?" you heard an angry voice scream, it was your lady. "But mother- I-" she turned around quickly to face the tall woman. "No buts!" cutting her own daughter off "Leave!". The daughter became a swarm of flies and left the kitchen.

Your lady walked over to you with fast steps. When she got to you she crouched down to get at your level. "Are you alright" she picked up your hurting wrist  and took a closer look. "Don't worry!" she said and put your hand under cold water. "I'll be right back" She said leaving you in the kitchen with a hurry. It started to sting as the cold water kept pouring down on the cut. A couple minutes later she came back with bandages. She took your hand and dried it off with a paper towel and started to wrap your wrist with a bandage. "That should do the trick." she said. "T-thank you my lady" you said shyly. She gave you a warm smile. "Don't worry about this happening again, I will make sure of it." she reassured you.

She stood up grabbing your non-hurt arm and leading you to your room. "I'll have another maid do the dishes, your pyjamas should be in your wardrobe." She said crouching through the door to enter your room. She went to your wardrobe and grabbed your pyjamas, she then handed it to you. "Don't worry about working tomorrow" She said.
"Also! don't roam the halls past midnight." she continued with a serious look on her face. You turned around to face her and nodded as you tilted your head. 'Why would I even wanna leave past midnight?'. She turned to leave but stopped to walk. "By the way... What were you thinking of at dinner time?" She asked, you stood up straight. "Oh! Nothing important" you nervously chuckled. "Because if something is bothering you, please tell me." She said with a kind tone. She then crouched and left the room leaving you alone to let you change.

You changed into your red silk pyjamas and jumped into bed. You rolled around the bed trying to sleep but the pain in your wrist was distracting you. Another thought was keeping you awake. Was she always this nice? Or is it because it was your first day. You sat up and went to grab some paper to draw on. You drew a landscape with a cabin on a hill, it maybe wasn't the best drawing you've ever made. But as you continued to draw you started to get more tired. Eventually you fell asleep with the sketchbook still in your lap.


I hope you liked this chapter, it could be off character tho heh-.


Your lady~ (Female x Lady Dimitrescu)Where stories live. Discover now