A Short Note

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Generosity is an important aspect of the Christian life. God so generously gave His only Son for us, and Jesus so generously gave His life for us. God has been generous in every other way as well, at least in my life. I have a warm home, a loving family, and friends to lean on. I know that not everyone has this, but since we are called to be like Jesus, you can guess that we should be generous. God gave so generously, so we should, too, whether we have lots to give or little. And He rewards us for giving!

If your generosity isn't very generous, however, your reward won't be very generous either. This doesn't mean that if you don't have much to give whereas others have more, you won't be rewarded as greatly. In fact, if you give all of your little while others give little of their much, you'll be rewarded more greatly (Mark 12:43-44). If you give like your life is gonna end tomorrow, give your possessions, your time, your finances, your love, you will reap a great reward. The more you willingly give, without complaint (this comes from trust in God to provide), the more you will receive. God always repays us for our generosity, and not only will our reward on earth be great, but so will our reward in Heaven. 

Day of Salvation | Issue #10Where stories live. Discover now