Xiao | First date

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SUMMARY: First date with Xiao, where your quiet and quite standoff-ish crush asks you out on a date, quite the unexpected proposal, you cant help but wonder how it'll end! 

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SUMMARY: First date with Xiao, where your quiet and quite standoff-ish crush asks you out on a date, quite the unexpected proposal, you cant help but wonder how it'll end! 

CONTENT TAGS: Gender Neutral Reader, Fluff, Soft!Xiao, Sweet!Xiao Flustered!Xiao, Modern!au, College!au, May come off a bit ooc (Not really)!

Xiao asking you out was quite unexpected, he seemed closed off, in fact you were more then certain you would have to make the first move in this relationship

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Xiao asking you out was quite unexpected, he seemed closed off, in fact you were more then certain you would have to make the first move in this relationship. It was quite clear the two of you liked each other, with his swift glances in between halls, how he'd speak with you and strike a conversation with you almost always despite hating the idea of speaking with others so much, he always seemed to have something to talk about.. with you! This and many other signs, all led you to believe that he had feelings for you.. but imagining him to make a direct move was.. well far fetched to say the least. 

So it was quite the surprise seeing Xiao's flushed face, while he asked if he could speak to you alone, even then you didn't expect anything out of the ordinary, until of course Xiao spoke out "Hey um— would you like to go out with me?"..  

"Like a date?" you added, and you swore you could see his ears turn bright red, "Yes.. um.. Like a date!" His response was sweet, and some of his words came out as incoherent babbles, and you couldn't help but let out a chuckle at his rather innocent reaction to the question, "Sure!"  

— Xiao offered to pick you up, but you preferred going there yourself, hoping to run some small errands before you got to the actual location at hand, as for his plans, he said he wanted it to be a surprise! So, the conversation ended with him handing you the location, and time. 

—  You had gotten to the location about 15 minutes earlier than the time Xiao had given, yet Xiao was already there, he seemed to have been waiting for you.. Taking a moment to think, you decided to sneak up on him, quietly tapping his shoulder, startling him in the process.. "Waiting for someone?"  

"You're here" his voice was just above a whisper, but you could feel the excitement laced within them, "Yep! Where we goin'?" you asked, curious as to what he had planned for the two of you today, he didn't even bother hinting or indulging your pleas, when you asked beforehand. 

"Well I have um— a couple things prepared, if you don't mind!" he asked, carefully picking his words not to sound way too excited, he didn't want to alarm you.. "Not at all!" 

"Then let's get going!" 

— The date started out simple, the two of your first stop was to the movies, nothing too surprising yet it was interesting to say the least, if anything you expected Xiao to pick out a horror movie, or maybe a thriller, however instead Xiao had picked a slice of life movie, and it was rather entertaining to say the least, in the middle of the movie you leaned down on his shoulder, and you could swear he froze in his tracks, as he stiffened in his place. You took a look at his face and saw his bright red face, "Are you good?" you whispered catching him of guard, "Y-yeah"  

— Then the two of you went to an arcade, where he showed you some of his favorite games there, he then taught you some of the cheats he learned to win more tickets, the two of shared many laughs, and you learned that Xiao was terrible at puns, yet you couldn't help but laugh when you saw his genuine confident smile while he said some of the cheesiest of things. 

— The last stop of you both was at the park, before you head there Xiao picked up some take out for the two of you as you both walked throughout the area looking for a comfortable spot to sit down and eat. The sun was setting, and you were sure the date was going to come to an end soon.  

You took another bite of your food, "I had a really great time today" you said, trying to break the awkward silence, though saying that with your mouth stuffed full was probably one of your worst ideas today, however it probably wasn't the first time you embarrassed yourself this evening. 

Xiao didn't reply, he seemed out of it.., "Hey— um, do you mind if we do this again sometime?" you asked, it seemed fair that this time around you'd ask him out. "Huh?.. well.. um." You took notice of how his ears turned slightly red at your question, "I'd love to" he finally responded. 

The two of you spend the rest of the time talking about your plans, and just about anything really, enjoying the comfort of one another's presence.  

© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation from me

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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation from me. 

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