Taking care of your BFF(?)

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When she heard the signature sound of the bell at the front door ringing she ran up to the door and nearly tackled Mk, who was slightly caught off guard by her. To be fair he should've expected it, but at the same time he's had a long day. This was sort of a routine for them now; Mei would stay at the shop and help out wherever she could, and Mk would do all of the deliveries and stuff. It wasn't just because, y'know, she was a girl, but it was mainly due to the whole "technically being a Wanted Person" thing. Of course that's never stopped the 2 of them from going out to the local stores and arcades when they had some off time. But whenever Mk wasn't around Mei, she felt a bit empty, as if Mk was the other half of her being! She liked the idea of soulmates, as it made a ton of sense in her eyes. 

But back to the present, Mei had her arms wrapped around Mk in a tight bear hug, squeezing him to the point of popping his back slightly. "Ough, o-okay Mei I'm back canyoupleaseletgoit'sactuallykindofstartingtohurtalittle!"

"Hehe, nope~" Mei said smugly as she picked him up with ease, she was most definitely the stronger physically out of the 2, and carried him over to the stools and placed him down. She hopped onto the stool next to him and flashed a smile at him, "So, how'd the deliveries go?"

"Oh, uh, y-y'know, normal and all that," Mk said while rubbing the back of his neck. Mei's expression instantly turned cold. See, Mei understood Mk extremely well, one might think that she was a mind reader or something, and she could see the signs of Mk being stressed; Him rubbing his neck being a key clue to her deduction.

"Mk, I can tell you're lying," Mei said while looking at him sternly, "what happened EXACTLY?" Mei looked at Mk's face as it twisted between many emotions, trying to find the right response to her question.

"Um, I-I ran into, like, maybe 1 bad customer okay? Nothing too bad or anything," Mk admitted, and he realized that he messed up as Mei's face turned to a bit of anger.

"What did they do?" Mei asked bluntly.

"Um, n-nothing really, you should just forget about it," Mk said as he leaned against the counter, and then he winced, taking in a sharp inhale of breath. Bad move. Before Mk could even react Mei was already taking off his jacket, which he won at the arcade but that's a story for a different time. Mk only had on a basic black t-shirt so Mei was able to look at his arms easily. The skin around his left elbow had turned a slight purple, with scraps littering the other parts of his arms. The second Mei saw this her instincts went crazy, causing her to pick Mk up once again. Carrying him in a bridal stance, which made Mk blush ever so slightly, she carried him up the stairs of the shop and into the living quarters. Pigsy and Tang's room was the first on the left and the door right across them on the right was the bathroom, with the adjacent door being her and Mk's room. Kicking the door open, she rushed over the scattered empty bags of chips and papers with cute little doodle on them and placed Mk down onto his bed. They each slept in their own beds, with Mk having a red blanket and her having a green one, obviously. Mk had barely put up a struggle, knowing full well that she could easily overpower him in a heart beat. Mei had always acted like this, being extremely overprotective of him whenever he got hurt, which just kind of came with the dragon demon schtick. 

After making sure that Mk was comfortable Mei sat next to him with a serious expression, "Who did this to you?" It was just a question, that was a command for knowledge.

"Mei, c-c'mon, it's not that serious. It'll heal in a few days at wor-"

"Who. Did. This." Mei reiterated, her eyes gaining a dangerous glow to them.

"... *Sigh* It was someone by the name of Florance Shmiller. I-I'm pretty sure he was drunk but, uh, I WAS 3 minutes late and then he kind of got upset and so he took the food and sort of pushed me. A-And the room was kind of on a section of the sidewalk where it's slanted so I fell on my arm... And then I slipped on a puddle," Mk sounded ashamed by the last part, making Mei frown.

"Hey, don't sweat it dude, I've slipped in many puddles in my life, that's actually how I lost my first tooth," Mei admitted with a grin. Mk let out a sigh, thanking the Heavens that he wasn't the only one whose ever done something like that, only to tense up at Mei's expression. She was still smiling, but there was a darkness to her eyes, a darkness that meant only one thing.

"M-Mei, please don't tell me you're going to go kill him," Mk pleaded with her, and gosh darn it he was giving her the puppy eyes.

"Alright alright," Mei said with her hands raised, "I won't go and kill him."




"... Yet."


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