Noodles for everyone

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"Hey Pigsy, have you seen the news lately?" Tang called out from the kitchen as the mentioned pig demon gave a gruff grunt from his spot on a stool.

"No, not really. More of a newspaper kind of person to be honest," Pigsy said as Tang hopped the counter and pulled his phone, red with a horn pattern, up to the pig's face.

"Apparently the Dragon family's heir went missing a few days ago," Tang explained as Pigsy skimmed through the article. It stated exactly what Tang had described; Long Xiaojiao Dragon, heir of the rich and famous Dragon family, has been reported missing for about 3 days now. The reward for her return though, that caught Pigsy's attention.

"Damn, $13 billion for her return? That's quite a lot for just one kid," Pigsy said absent mindedly. Tang scoffed slightly and shoved his phone into his pocket.

"You clearly don't understand, the Dragon family is one of the most powerful and well respected demon families in all of existence! And $13 billion? That's just pocket change for them. And let's not forget-" (Oh boy, here we go) Pigsy thought to himself as Tang began one of his ever iconic, and ever annoying, fanboying moments. Tang would ramble on and on about a certain topic, spouting out fact after fact as if he were giving a college essay. 

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Pigsy looked at the door to the shop, barely able to make out 2 small figures behind the door. He groaned slightly as he called out, "Closed for the day, come back tomorrow." Silence.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"I just said we're closed!" Pigsy said, his voice getting slightly higher in annoyance.

*Knock* *Kno-

Pigsy growled under his breathe as he stood up and stomped towards the door with Tang remaining idle. Pigsy threw the door open and stared at the 2, fully ready to let out an earful, until he actually SAW them. Kids, freaking kids. A boy and a girl. The boy's hair was a complete mess, getting in front of his eyes fairly easily, and the clothes he had on seemed just a tad bit too baggy, being a big green jacket and some shorts. The girl seemed to be in the same boat, just with green highlights in her hair and white sweatpants. "H-Hello there Mr. Um, i-is it alright if we come in?" The boy asked nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. Pigsy looked back and forth from the 2 kids, contemplating on what to say. He looked past them, trying to see if their parents were anywhere to be seen, but it was just the 2 of them. All on their own.

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