Her (His) Downfall {Stan Bowes~SMUT}

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"You look pretty in red".
And where does this coffee even come from? As well as the piece of paper attached on the cup.
I look around the lecture hall for any clue, but all I get are loud whispers and a concentrated stare from Mr. Bowes.

I blink quickly and put away the unknown cup, before he could actually say or do something about it instead, especially with such an angered look.
I rest my head on my hand and try to focus more on the upcoming lesson.

"Good morning everyone. I have to hand you the tests from one week ago that I have corrected. I'm afraid the majority have had several issues understanding the actual but hidden task", he switches his gaze from the papers to my direction and that makes me straighten my position.
He's looking at me again, bad sign.
"When I call your name, come here and collect your test, please", he looks away and in front of the class again.

I nervously tap my foot on the ground, considering the fact that this test is an important one, a crucial exam to be exact.
"Y/N L/N", this time he keeps his gaze fixated on my paper, and raises it only when I reach his desk.
I close my eyes for a couple of seconds before opening them and see once again his face, unexpectedly pleased.
And that's because I actually passed the test.

My eyes light up and my lips turn upwards, I extend my hand to take the paper but he leans closer instead:
"You weren't aware of your own capabilities? That's too bad, you seem convincing to me. And by the way, that color does suit you", he leaves with a slight grin, or what seemed like a grin.
My mouth drops open and I bet that he noticed that too.

"Alright, don't give up on yourself and on studying, results will eventually make their way into the life of each of you", and here he goes with another unusual look in my direction.
Why does he have such high expectations from me?

♱ ♱

"That's all for today, I expect you to push yourself to your limits for the next exams. I won't be as soft as I was for this test".
And you call that being "soft"? Soft my ass.

I gather my stuff and stand up and bring the previous cup of coffee with me, holding it tight.
"What am I going to do with that? What if it's poisoned or something like that?", thoughts wander in my mind as I quickly walk up the stairs, distracting myself from the outer world.
So distracted that I didn't even realized I bumped into someone, and now the coffee is all over their perfect ironed and clean white shirt.

My mouth opens and I lift my head up:
"Oh my god... I deeply apologize I will immediately fix—".
Mr. Bowes...? Why does it feel like he is the exact wrong person in the exact wrong lapse of time? If he's not going to scold me now, I might just expect the worst for the upcoming lessons.

"Sir, I—", I take a step closer.
He sighs and looks at me after checking the disaster I just caused:
"Just go to class, I don't want you to be late for your next lesson", he loosens his burgundy tie and puts on the dark blue jacket that he was holding.
Alright, well, he's probably bottling up inside all the frustration from today, or maybe he's just excessively tired. I shrug.

"But it's still visible, I promise I'll make it up to you, somehow".
"I wouldn't say that if I were you", I furrow my eyebrows. "Besides, you got some on your blouse as well", he motions towards it.
I look down and widen my eyes a bit at the dark stain of the liquid on white fabric under my red cardigan.
This time I sigh as well, I nervously bite on my bottom lip in search of a solution.

"Ms. Y/N, I have a couple of spare shirts. As long as it doesn't make you feel a sense of uneasiness I'd gladly lend you one", he takes his chin in one hand while the other one comfortably hides in his pocket.
I shakes my head, but what will be the first impression of my professors at the sight of me in this state when facing the exam? It's not like I have a huge amount of choices upon me.

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