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i would sail the sevens seas my love,just so i could be in your arms again

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i would sail the sevens seas my love,
just so i could be in your arms again

i would sail the sevens seas my love,just so i could be in your arms again

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SINCE THE GENTLE ROCKING OF THEIR CRADLES, THE SEA HAD CALLED THEM TO ITS DEPTHS. It's angelic voice and beauty lured them there like a siren hunting their prey, drawing them in closer and closer until they could never turn back. Endless waters of deep cerulean shone during the day and glistened by the night as it reflected the natural light of the world above. The sea was not for everyone, but not everyone was for the sea. Only a few could feel the salty droplets running throughout their soul and relish in the sensation. And once among the oscillating flow, it soon becomes clear that water is most certainly thicker than blood.

Bartholomew aka Barty Murdoch was one of those chosen by the sea. Since he could remember the song of the waves had called him, pulling him towards the open ocean. Everything started off quite peaceful, but then one thing led to another and before Barty knew it, he was a pirate raiding vessels on the high seas. And to be completely honest, he loved it. He loved the adrenaline pumping through his veins, the planning and fighting with his crew mates by his side and the splitting of the goods in the Captain's quarters. Life was great. But slowly their numbers dwindled, with some deciding to leave piracy behind for a simpler life, with some going off to find a ship of their own and with some even falling to Davy Jones' locker. Soon enough, it was just Barty on his own with no ship and no crew.

Cordelia Teach wasn't always a Teach. Once the sister of the infamous Blackbeard was just a lonely child who used to stare out at the ocean and dream of sailing. But the girl who longed for the water wasn't even allowed near its edge for her Father would drag her back towards land, with her kicking and screaming to be one with the sea. Losing her Mother had turned in him into a dark, cruel man; especially considering she had died at sea, her boat having crashed against some rocks in a jagged storm. And her Father wasn't going to lose her to the same fate.

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