Chapter 15

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Irene pov
I called Greggy to pick me up, as he did.

At home

"What happend?"-He ask

"S-she l-left."-I trembling answered while sobbing

He rubed my back.

"It's fine."

"No! it's not fine Greggy!"-I stand up

"Irene calm down"

"How can I calm down huh?!"

"Greggy, We lied to her! now I understand her."-I said

"Yeah it's our fault"-He calmly said

"Just rest nalang Irene baka mapano kapa"-He said.

Third person pov
Irene woke up and it's now 8:00pm.

"Greg?"-She uttered.

She's not feeling well.

"Greggy?!"-She tried to call her husband but no one answering.

Greggy is not here because he went to his company.

"Sht."-She cursed

She just lay down.

Irene get her phone and called her ate Imee. (her comforter)

On call


"Yes aduring??"

"C-can y-you c-come h-here?"-Irene ask

"W-why what happend?"-Imee asked her back

"J-just p-please.."-She begged

"Okay, I'll be there in one sec with your daughter"-Imee uttered

End call

Few seconds. Imee arrived.

She texted Irene "Where are you?"

As Irene replied "In my room ate"

Imee and Luna went to Irene and Greggy's room, Imee immediately opened the door. As They saw Irene.

"Gosh Irene what happend? ang putla mo. Nilalagnat ka Riny!!"-Imee exclaimed, she touched her sister's forehead.


Luna is just standing, watching how her Mama Imee take care of her sister.

Luna pov
When mama and I playing and teasing each other her phone rang.

It was Ms. Irene.

"a-ate?"-She called

"Yes aduring??"-Mama uttered

"C-can y-you c-come h-here?"-Ms. Irene asked

What happend mom?

"W-why what happend?"-Mama asked

"J-just p-please.."-She said

"Okay, I'll be there in one sec with your daughter"-Mama exclaimed

"What happend ma?"-I asked mama

"I don't know, come with me please"-She said

"I- I don't w-want"-I replied

"Isa!"-She warned


I just go with her.

Mama and I went to Ms.Irene and Sir Greggy's room, Mama  immediately opened the door. As we saw Ms. Irene

"Gosh Irene what happend? ang putla mo. Nilalagnat ka Riny!!"-Mama exclaimed, as she touched her sister's forehead.

"A-ate"-Ms. Irene called her sister.

I'm just standing here, watching how mama Imee takes care of her sister.

"Irene, 39.7 ka anong ginawa mo?!"-Mama is now panicking

"H-hey m-mama c-calm down"-I said

"How?!"-Mama yelled

"A-ate w-wag m-mong s-sigawan a-ang a-anak k-ko p-please"-Ms. Irene said while trembling

Really? I'm hearing this right now?

"Sorry anak"-Mama apologize, I just nodded


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