Chapter 17

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What's happening to Greggy?

Irene pov
My daughter and I having a good time right now, But I'm still thinking about Greggy. Where is he? H-he's cheating again?

"Hey mom, Are you okay?"-My daughter asked.

"O-oh y-yes po why?"-I answered.

"Tulala ka kasi ma"-She exclaimed, I chuckled

"May iniisip lang"

"Si daddy po ba?"-She suddenly asked.

"H-huh? n-no sa company lang anak"-I lied.

You know I hate lying but this is me, I love to hide my feelings even I'm hurt or else. I'm not open to anyone exept my to my Ate Imee she's always there.

"Okay po"-She uttered.

"Let's go sleep na mommy"-My daughter said, I just nodded

It's already 10:34pm na pala.

I lay down and closed my eyes.

Next morning

"Greggy please don't leave me!"-I begged.

"Sorry but I choose her"-He said.

"Daddy no please! Akala ko ba makukumpleto na tayo?"-Luna exclaimed

"Daddy! please don't leave us please please"-Luna begged and hugged Greggy tightly.

"I'm sorry anak, But I choose her."-Greggy uttered

"You are such a bad father! I hated you so much! Go on leave! We don't need you!"-Luna yelled.


"Mommy mommy wake up!! You're dreaming po"-Luna shakes her mother.

Irene opened her eyes and hugged her daughter.

"Where's your dad?"-Irene asked her.

"Sa baba po nag luluto"-Luna answered, Irene immediately stood up and goes downstairs.

She saw her husband preparing their food.

"Oh hon goodmor---"-He cutted off when Irene hugged him tightly.

"Miss me hon?"-Greggy teased, But he heard a little sob.

"H-hon? Why are you crying?"-He asked. While rubbing her wife's back.

"D-don't l-leave us G-Greggy p-please"-Irene sobbed.

"Shh I will never ever do that okay?"-Greggy comforted her wife and kissed her forehead.

Oh walang iwanan.

Sorry for wrong grammars and misspelled words


To be continue

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