Chapter 20

303 7 1

Maybe last chapter po. HAHA.

Irene pov

It is Christmas Evening and everyone is happily opening their gifts, The kids are playing while the boys are drinking and us the bossing is just chilling while drinking some wines.

My daughter's is sitting besides me, My Luna is in my right side and Stacy is in my left side. They were just listening to our conversation.

"Omg! It's already 11:59! Christmas is coming everybody!"-Borgy shouted. Everyone started counting.

Luna pov
Everyone started counting because it's almost Christmas day!


"9"-Tita Imee and Sir ano..

"8"-Pops and tita Liza

"7"Kuya Matt and ate Jamie

"6"-Kuya Sands and ate Alexa

"5"Kuya Borgy and ate Carla

"4"Kuya Simon and kuya Vinny

"3"Kuya Mike and ate Cara

"2"-Mama Meldy and Stacy



Third person pov.

Everyone is happily drinks alcohol while dancing and singing. The Family is now peaceful.

Luna is now graduating from Senior high.

Stacy has boyfriend already.

Greggy and Irene planned to have a wedding (again.)

Bongbong planned to run for president.

Sandro is running for Ilocos Congressman.

Matthew is running for Ilocos Governor.

Mike is just living his life with his family.

Vinny and Simon just supporting their father and brother.

Imee is peacefully living with Former president Duterte in Davao.

Imelda is living her life happily, Getting old but still alive.

At jan napo natatapos ang istoryang ito. Minsan hindi nyo po naiintindihan ako rin po e.

Maraming salamat sa sumuporta sa istoryang ito.

Hanggang sa muli mga mahal!!

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