No Control

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Harry's POV:

I sat in the cold, dark room with nothing to eat but a bag of stale chips and can of Pepsi. My body was aching and head pounding but all i was feeling inside was pain.
I knew what was causing that pain. It was all the bs I've been going through and all the emotional shit i could never seem to let go of or let out. I thought about Louis everyday since the break up. God i missed him so much but every time i would try to call or even text him i couldn't.
"His life is better off without you" I'd say to myself but that wasn't the end of those thoughts.
I would fight daily with myself until finally i made a choice (weed) was and is my only escape.
Zayn called me 5 times in a row. I finally managed to actually pick up.
"Hello? That's all the words i could spill out..
"Harry are you high?, where are you?"..
(Pathetic) that's what i was..knowing my friend Zayn was concerned about me i just blew him off i was gone why couldn't he understand that.

"I AM high and i gtg..unless you can get my lover back ya know, the one i gave everything to then don't hmu".
I went on with my life for a while but then Louis calls.

Hearing his voice made my heart melt it felt like life was being brought back into me.
Soon we would talk everyday as friends but the more we spoke the more feelings kept getting strong.

One night Louis had called me and his voice sounded so blissful which only made me desire him more than what i already did.
"Baby make love with me" hearing it, then actions took place and we made love that felt as strong as an earthquake shaking Japan but feeling it in Massachusetts.
You could guess what happened next
Hell yeah you're right!
Yes! Louis asked me back into his life and i said yes so fast. Who in the hell would say no? The love of my life was mine again and i would not and could not lose him again. I called Zayn and told him the news
"dude really that's fucking awesome"..
"i know right totally sweet"

i couldn't hold inside how happy i was i just wanted to run to Louis' house stare into those gorgeous, bright sea green eyes and tell him how i love him soo much but of course that would mean Dealing with Johannah.
And that would be nerve wrecking.
Though i can't stand Louise' mum i still put up with her for Louis because nothing will come between my forever and always and I. No not again, not ever!
Mornings seemed brighter to me and my days of depression went away.
I saw Ed a few times in the hall way but he only spoke to me in Band class. I guess he noticed how happy i was too. Who wouldn't i? I actually managed to let out random laughs when thinking about Louis.
Days within days would now begin as perfect as they should be. Starting with the poetic corny ass messages i left for my beloved.

******Author's Note: okay, woop woop! We're getting there. Like, share and comment. Love you all. And thanks to my baby 👭 for staying by my side.

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