This world is not meant for you,

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The boarding house was eerily silent, it was a kind of silence that Marian considered peaceful. The fire roared in the main room, the sound of water lulling her soul to sleep. That was until the condescending ring of the doorbell caused her to stir from her rigid position. Marian frowned at the unexpected visitor, rising from the sofa and placing her glass on the set of draws. 

By the time she had got there, Jay had already opened the door. Towel wrapped loosely around his waist and hair soaking the oak floors. Marian giggled, gently shoving the mute boy to the side. A blondish boy, standing roughly 5'10, stood stiffy in the doorway, a sheepish expression on his face as he gazed over her figure. The girl simply smiled, clapping her hands in excitement.

" You must be Stefan, Zacharia's nephew." The boy nodded, a frown etched onto his features as he looked down on her. " Please come on in, Jay will provide you with some tea." 

Marian stepped to the side, where Jay once stood, and allowed the boy inside. Stefan wearily stepped inside, glancing around his previous home like it had suddenly became a foreign land. Marian closed the door behind him, ushering him further into the  house.

" Please take a seat, we have much to discuss." Marian gestured to the sofa opposite where she had historically sat. She gave a reassuring smile to the boy, who hesitantly did as she said. " I am sure Jay will be finished with the tea momentarily." 

" Excuse my rashness, but have we met somewhere before." Marian gazed at his features, blonde tousled hair with dark brown roots, chiselled jawline, forlorn eyes. She shook her head, taking a sip of water that lay dormant on the table between them.

" I'm sure I would've remembered such a fascinating creature such as yourself." Marian released a light chuckle as his eyes narrowed on her, nibbling at his lip, almost in contemplation. " I'm sure you've seen me before, there's plenty of pictures of me and Uncle Zach around the house when you come to visit." 

" I was unaware that Zach had any other family members apart from myself. Oh, thank you." Stefan took the mug that Jay had generously offered him, giving a subtle nod of appreciation. The boy's nose shrivelled slightly, brushing off the Salvatore's comment before offering Marian her own mug, stiffly taking a seat by her side. 

" Well, me and Zach are not technically related but we are family. He took me in when I needed help and in return I did all that he asked of me." Marian took a sip from her mug, warm milk tickling the back of her throat as she sorted through her thoughts. 

" How come I've never seen you here before, if that was the case?" Stefan glanced into his own mug, the thick brown substance looking rather inviting as he avoided her eyes. If she was telling the truth, it seemed highly impossible that he would just breeze by her, her scent would linger round the house. Now that he thought about it, this girl did not smell of anything distinctive, but maybe that was due to the overwhelming scent of deteriorating books and whiskey.

" I have been travelling the world for a while, with Jay here. I come back every once in a while. Same as you." Jay nodded along, passively agreeing with her statement, not that he was paying much attention at this stage. Marian cleared her throat, snapping him out of his thoughts. " That is why I wished to speak to you.

Uncle Zach has decided to follow in our footsteps, he has decided to travel the world to see all what it has too offer, without being pressured and filled with guilt. And although I'm not family by blood, he left the boarding house to me in his stead. This does not mean I am going to exclude you from this house, it is as much yours as it is my own. If you wish to stay, you know where your room is. If not, just let me know where you plan to go and I will assist you in anyway possible." 

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