Incartum momentum

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" What is this?" Stefan held up a flannel shirt in front of his half exposed chest, sharing a grimace at his reflection in the dusted mirror. Marian chuckled, already gesturing for Jay to empty the second bag, in which a box labelled 'Adidas' and a crumpled pair of jeans fell onto the bed. 

" This is your outfit for tonight!" Marian bounced on the balls of her feet, unwrapping the boxed sneakers and placing them by the blonde's feet. Jay just nodded, a longing look at the shoes that were originally for him, except his partner had forgotten to buy any and thus had stole his.  Marian nudged his side, a soft smile on his face. " I'll pay you back later, Incartum Momentum"

Stefan frowned as the two friends conversed, tossing the shirt onto his bed and turning to officially face them. Marian noticed the not so subtle frown on his lips as she twiddled with her fingers, awaiting for him to speak.

" I already have a wardrobe full of clothes, you really didn't need to go out of your way for me." His appeal was admittingly correct, but of course Marian had already scouted the bedrooms years ago and knew most of them were either starting to mould or would simply not fit the current standards.

" Don't think to hard on it Stefan, it's just a simple gesture of friendship." Marian waved her arms, fumbling with the clothes she brought and stuffing them half-heartedly in the bag. Jay just took this as his opportunity to leave, with a soft glance between the two before exiting with a huff. " Ah ignore him, he's got plenty of fashioned stuff, unlike you who's only got all this old fashioned - but very beautiful - rags. Seriously Stefan was you born in the 1800's?"

Marian gently touched his bedsheets, the room taking up her attention as Stefan stiffened at her words. The girl remembered some of her time here with her Uncle, like sometimes when he was busy with work she would explore around to her little hearts content. Her heart always lead her to the bedrooms, scavenging through old photo's and documents, trying on some of the frills and suits of the past. God, a reminisce smile crowned her eyes as she gently waved of her statement.

" Are you sure you want to be seen with me tonight?" An unusual question Marian pondered on for a while, before shrugging her shoulders. 

" Why wouldn't I, you know. You're hot, I'm hot we can be the next star couple of this delinquent town." A genuine smile cracked over Stefan's lips as his eyes raked over her face, down to the bag in her hands, then back up. " Plus why not, my friends will practically be yours. Plus Caroline is going to love you, and I can guarantee you are going to Love Elena." 

" Elena?" Marian shrugged a passive grin twitching on her lips as she left. Elena always gets the attention of most Males, had been that way since she was young. Mainly because she was a descendant of the founding families, anyone lucky enough to be married into one of those families was set for life. "Hey Marian" The girl peaked at his voice, popping her head round the corner of his door. " Can you leave the bag?" 


He thought back on his family with deep emotion and love. His conviction that he would have to disappear.

- Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis


The grill was bustling with underage teenagers, half glugging from dainty little plastic cups whilst others had their ears pounded by the loud music by the dance floor. Caroline had really outdone herself. As she does of course. Stefan trudged behind her, half reluctant to step through the revolving doors as Marian practically dragged him in. 

Lights blasted and rotated around the room, but for Marian it was easy to find the bubbly blonde who was pacing at a table by the pool table. Marian tugged roughly at Stefan's jacket - which she thought suited him a lot better than a hideous flannel shirt - heading towards her old group. The people that accepted her. 

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