Opposites Attract

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Jed had somehow fallen asleep in his restrained and standing position, and was abruptly awakened by the light coming through the open closet door. Had his hands been free, he would have wiped the saliva that had run out of his mouth and onto his chin. Miss's saliva.

She had changed clothes in her absence, and was now wearing a pair of yoga pants, a cropped t-shirt sporting the University of Michigan "M", and Stan Smith Adidas sneakers with ankle socks. Jed saw that her hair was pulled back into a short ponytail, and her body was covered in a sheen of sweat.

"I hope you had a nice sleep, pig, because you're about to start earning your keep around here", Miss said as she stepped into the closet. She pulled a step stool from just outside the closet, and climbed up, reaching toward where Jed's hands were secured to the wall.

Jed couldn't see what she was doing, but he was ecstatic over having her body so close to his. His face was practically in her armpit as she went about doing whatever she was doing with his hands. He smelled deeply, and it was clear that she had recently been sweating. Also, judging by the wonderful aroma, he thought it may have been a few days since she had washed. Jed quickly became aroused by her scent.

To Jed's disappointment, Miss stepped down and went about unfastening his feet from the wall. Once that was done, she stepped back up on the stool, and Jed soon found his hands fall free from where they had been restrained to the wall. His arms were so stiff that he could hardly move them. His shoulders felt like they had been welded into their raised position. As he tried to slowly bring life back into his arms and shoulders, he felt something tightening around his wrists and noticed that Miss had a strap in her hands.

She stepped down from the stool and finished pulling the strap tight. It wound between the shackles still on his wrists and then around his wrists, immobilizing his hands. She gave the strap a sharp tug, painfully forcing Jed's aching arms out in front of him.

"Follow", she said as she led Jed out of the closet and into the room beyond. Jed followed and realized his legs were as stiff as his other appendages. All of them.

When Jed was in the middle of the room's hardwood floor, he was commanded to kneel. He briefly considered just overpowering her and escaping. There were several problems with that idea though. He was naked, he had no idea where his keys and wallet were, and his hands and feet were still shackled. Besides, he wasn't sure he really wanted to escape. At least not until he had to be back at work on Monday.

Against the protesting of his muscles, Jed knelt and looked at his captor. She really was beautiful. Even though he knew that his desire to be put in his "place" by a woman was wrong, he decided to give in to it.

Jed felt a sudden burst of pain on his left cheek as Miss slapped him.

"Do not look at me, worm. Eyes on the floor", said Miss in a voice that seethed with disgust.

Jed meekly said, "Yes, Miss", and bowed his head, staring at her sneakers and thinking how wonderfully sweaty they must be.

Miss chuckled. "How easily the strong turn weak when in the presence of their superior. Tell me, worm, do you have an unexplainable desire to throw yourself on the floor and kiss the toes of my sneakers?"

Jed hesitated then said quietly, "Yes, Miss."

"And why is that, worm?", she asked. He had told her mostly already, but she loved making him admit it out loud.

"I'm ashamed by it, but I've always wanted to be humbled by a woman. I don't know why. I just know that the thought of it excites me and makes me feel... like myself", Jed answered. He was happy he didn't have to see her reaction as he admitted one of his most closely held secrets. He was sure her face would be a mix of disdain and disgust. Even so, his confession to this woman had caused his cock to become almost painfully swollen.

Although Jed couldn't see it, a smile spread across Miss's face as he made his confession. It was clear to her that this man was more submissive than she had guessed. She would be able to spend her weekend using this fool, and there would be no need to break his will first. That fact did disappoint her some, but it was quickly displaced by the thoughts of all the ways she could make this man perform for her pleasure.

"Have you ever worn a collar, worm?", she asked as she wrapped the strap around her hand and stepped closer.

"No, Miss."

She stepped closer still, shortening the strap that led to his bound hands. "I like to collar my pets. It makes them easier to control, and it's a clear reminder of who is in charge."

She passed the strap between her legs and stood so that his nose was almost touching her womanhood. She saw his breaths become deeper and more frequent.

"Oh no, worm. You don't get that particular pleasure... yet", she said,  taking a step backwards. She unwound the strap from his hands and then looped it around his neck. It wasn't a collar, but it would work for now. Besides, the idea that she could choke him into unconsciousness with it made her tingle.

Once the strap was tight around his neck, she held tightly to the end, and placed her foot on the portion hanging from his neck. She pushed down with her foot, pulling him further and further down until his forehead was nearly touching the wood floor.

She stood that way for a few moments, watching his back muscles strain from the forced posture. Then, she placed the toe of her other sneaker under his face. "Kiss", she said.

Jed eagerly stretched to do her bidding. He took deep breaths, hoping to catch her scent and kissed her sneaker passionately.

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