Weekend Pass pt 1

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Ali rolled her eyes as she listened to Peggy Carter go on about something as her and Howard were going over a formula.

"So I heard you are dating a soldier?"
Howard remarked as he handed over a piece of paper with calculations on it.

"Yeah. He's with Steve's group." Ali responded. "You know St.."

"We were not right for each other." Howard responded. "I treated you wrong."

Ali smiled. "Glad you realize that."

"You giving me a black eye painted a clear picture." Howard responded.

Ali laughed, bumping him with her shoulder. "Good, you stubborn ass."

Peggy rolled her eyes, watching the two. "Well, isn't this cozy. Don't you two have a job to do?"

Howard chuckled as he shook his head.

Ali narrowed her eyes at Peggy. "Carter, what are you even doing in the lab?"

"My jo.."

"You work directly with Philips. Your job has nothing to do with OUR lab or MY hospital area unless you're injured."

Peggy glared before she huffed and stormed off.

Ali rubbed her temples. "I need a weekend away."

"You haven't gotten a pass yet?"


Howard sighed. "You and the Commandos were supposed to get the weekend before this next mission. Let me go make a call."

~That Evening~

Ali quickly went into where the Commandos were hanging out. She said hi to the men as she made her way to the corner where Steve, Bucky, Logan, and unfortunately Peggy were sitting.

Logan looked over hearing her footsteps. "There you are, darlin."

Ali smiled, kissing him and then kissing the cheek of Steve and Bucky.

"Hey, I got caught up in the lab." Ali stated as she sat down while Logan went to get her a drink.

Bucky nodded as he handed over his cigarettes and lit one for her. "Yeah, I heard you share a lab with Stark."

Ali nodded and smiled when Logan sat down her drink. "Surprisingly, Howard said sorry."

Steve raised a brow. "Why did you two break up?"

"Who did you break up with Ali?" Logan asked as he lit a cigar.

Peggy made a face at the two smoking but spoke up. "Apparently, Ali used to date Howard Stark."

Ali looked at Peggy. "Alyssa to you, Carter."

Logan chuckled. "Oh, that boyfriend."

Ali smiled. "Well, sweetheart." She looked at Logan. "That boyfriend gave me good news. I have a weekend pass just like you guys."

Logan smirked. "Oh really?" He took a puff from his cigar. "When does your leave start?"

Steve looked between the two in slight confusion while Peggy glared and Bucky laughed.

"Oh, mine started as soon as I left the lab."

Logan chuckled. "Well then, I think I owe you a dance."

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